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ScreenShot System Title Last Update Description
Screenshot ti99 windows
classic99 2025-02-18

Classic99 TI-99/4A Emulator for Windows, QI3xx series
Screenshot colecovision gba
libTi99All 2025-02-12

Combined version of libti99 so the API can be kept consistent-er
Screenshot ti99 gigacart 2024-12-17

(probably unsorted) repo for my Dragon's Lair TI work. No DL copyrighted data, sorry.
Screenshot colecovision ti99
vgmcomp2 2024-11-27

Decode, parse, compress and playback 8-bit chiptunes for SN, AY and SID. Supports VGM, MOD, and a few other inputs, and has tools for manipulating and preparing data for compression. Command-line tools.
Screenshot ti99 xb2gpl 2024-11-10

Convert simple XB programs to GPL code
Screenshot colecovision ti99
mandlebrot 2024-09-14

A TI mandlebrot generator for the standard console, and for the F18A GPU.
Screenshot avr ti99
ubergrom 2024-04-21

TI-99/4A GROM memory chip simulator with peripherals for AVR
Screenshot ti99 windows
tiobj2bin 2024-03-21

Hacky little tool to go from TI object files to binaries (and vice versa)
Screenshot colecovision msdos
tarot 2024-03-06

A simple text-based tarot reader - was originally a BBS door game.
Screenshot ti99 libti99 2023-12-19

GCC Library for the TI-99/4A
Screenshot ti99 TIelf2bankedcart 2023-11-02

Parse an ELF from gcc9900 with specific section names into a banked cartridge image
Screenshot colecovision ti99
tf3 2023-09-27

Short music player tribute to Thunder Force III
Screenshot jaguar msdos
SuperSpaceAcer 2023-07-16

A long term 2d shooter with versions for TI and ColecoVision, as well as more ambitious plans
Screenshot ti99 bitmaptest 2023-07-12

Simple tool to verify operation of bitmap mode on the 9918A
Screenshot basic ti99
blackjack 2023-07-12

Old Blackjack game for TI BASIC
Screenshot avr ti99
ti99-ps2 2023-07-12

PS/2 Keyboard Adapter for the TI-99/4A (AVR). Extremely low part count - just the AVR, a clock, and connecting wires.
Screenshot colecovision ti99
convert9918 2023-06-18

Converter for the TMS9918A's bitmap mode, and F18A enhanced bitmap modes.
Screenshot ti99 windows
vdpcap 2023-03-30

A small tool to convert a 9918A VDP RAM dump into an image
Screenshot ti99 windows
cartrepack 2022-07-21

Took to repack a video convert file for the TI into a TI cartridge (if it's under 512MB). See below.
Screenshot ti99 windows
tividconvert 2022-07-21

Set of scripts that convert a video for playback on the TI-99/4A. See below.
Screenshot ti99 videoblaster 2022-07-21

Video playback routines for the TI-99/4A. Heavily unsorted. See below.
Screenshot ti99 windows
tiaudioconvert 2022-07-21

Audio converter for the TI-99/4A (part of the videoconvert toolset). See below.
Screenshot ti99 windows
videopack 2022-07-21

Packs still frames and audio into a TI-99/4A playable video. See below.
Screenshot ti99 MagicType80 2022-05-28

Original 80 column text demo for the TI-99/4A
Screenshot ti99 f18aupdate 2022-05-26

This is an updater for the F18A for the TI-99/4A. It has been written so that all the heavy lifting happens on the GPU, meaning a host system need only provide a minimal file load mechanism in order to port it.
Screenshot ti99 windows
packdatacart 2022-05-26

Tool to pack a TI cart with program in the first bank and data in the rest
Screenshot ti99 hyperracer 2022-05-21

Hyper Racer - an entry into a 2010 \"Crap Game\" competition
Screenshot basic ti99
hires 2022-05-21

Simple high res dot-plot function for TI BASIC, and Artillery game using it
Screenshot ti99 mpd 2022-05-21

The Multiple Personality Distorter for the TI-99/4A
Screenshot ti99 flipsidebbs 2022-05-21

FlipSide BBS for the TI-99/4A
Screenshot linux macosx
ti99 windows
Classic99v4 2022-04-28

Classic99 v4xx Work-In-Progress
Screenshot ti99 zombiemotif 2022-04-19

A farming simulator occasionally interrupted by Zombie attacks
Screenshot colecovision ti99
waterville 2022-04-15

Waterville Rescue - a tiny sh'mup based on an old kid's show ;)
Screenshot ti99 tmnt 2022-04-12

A rather minimal TMNT game for Extended BASIC - requires The Missing Link (included)
Screenshot ti99 windows
DskXfer 2022-04-12

Disk image transfer over RS232 for the TI-99/4A to Windows
Screenshot ti99 6502 2022-04-12

A 6502 emulator for the TMS9900 CPU
Screenshot basic ti99
stranger 2022-04-06

A text adventure for TI BASIC, and a compiled cart version by Retrospect
Screenshot ti99 windows
ti99saver 2022-04-05

A screensaver that simulates loading TMS9918A bitmap images
Screenshot basic ti99
spacetrek 2022-03-26

There are many Trekish games out there. This is mine. TI BASIC.
Screenshot 2600 basic
spacefight 2022-03-26

A simple react-and-shoot game for the TI-99/4A and Atari 2600
Screenshot msdos ti99
SuperSledAcer 2022-03-26

A sledding game for TI and MSDOS
Screenshot ti99 makecart 2022-03-13

TI EA#5 to GROM Load Cartridge tool for Windows - deprecated
Screenshot ti99 scratchpad_loader 2022-03-10

An EA#5 loader that runs from scratchpad so the whole 32k is safely loadable.
Screenshot ti99 multicartTI 2022-02-28

Texas Instruments multicart menu program
Screenshot ti99 robotFighter 2022-02-28

Distribution for the Robot Fighter / Mass Murderer game for TI
Screenshot ti99 toolbox 2022-02-27

Texin's TI ToolBox - a disk editor I was working on back in 1989
Screenshot ti99 juliusdemo 2022-02-27

A little graphics demo for TI Editor/Assembler
Screenshot basic ti99
horserace 2022-02-27

Extended BASIC horse racing game
Screenshot basic ti99
elmstreet 2022-02-27

A simple Nightmare on Elm Street game in TI BASIC, from long ago.
Screenshot basic ti99
herox 2022-02-27

4k port of my old HeroXB game (well, 4k eventually)
Screenshot ti99 windows
gromrelocate 2022-02-27

A little tool to add in relocating TI-99/4A GROM programs to another address.
Screenshot basic ti99
basic_demos 2022-02-27

A set of simple BASIC and Extended BASIC samples for the TI
Screenshot basic ti99
sector 2022-02-23

A remake of the old game CodeName: Sector in Extended BASIC
Screenshot ti99 classic99Apr1 2022-02-23

2016 April Fool's - Classic99 for the TI-99/4A
Screenshot basic ti99
CrystalQuest 2022-02-23

XB game where you seek magic crystals to save your village from a curse. Combination of puzzles, action and RP elements.
Screenshot basic ti99
CrystalQuest2 2022-02-23

Extended BASIC Action RPG (Well, as much as XB is action)
Screenshot basic ti99
cliffclimber 2022-01-31

A game for TI Extended BASIC, also a compiled version by TMOP is available.
Screenshot ti99 banktest 2022-01-31

Cartridge images to test all pages of various sized TI cartridges.
Screenshot ti99 windows
VideoDespeckle 2022-01-27

Tool to improve the quality of TI videos
Screenshot colecovision ti99
vgmcomp 2022-01-27

Audio packer for TI and Coleco
Screenshot ti99 slideshow99er 2022-01-27

Image Slideshow program for the TI-99/4A
Screenshot ti99 windows
ReparseTIAsm 2022-01-27

Reparses assembly files generated by the tms9900 port of GCC into single files that can be assembled elsewhere
Screenshot ti99 gromStart 2022-01-25

A short GROM program that searches for a ROM program and autostarts it

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