Scar stretches, yawning noisily as he wakes, peering around the cave with a satisfied smirk. Nala is laying by the entrance, head on paws, as if asleep. But she was looking out at the night. Scar comes over to the exit, looking out over the Pridelands from the cave. Although he's not sure if you're awake or not, he speaks to you anyway. "Ah, Nala, isn't it a wonderful night? The Pridelands are truely in their greatest era." Nala's ears flicker slightly and she looks over to you, "What's an era?" Scar smiles down to you. "It means a period of time, Nala. These are the greatest times in the history of these lands." Nala ohs thoughtfully.. then hmms to herself as she looks back outside, "So, it's just a continuation of how it's always been, right?" Scar frowns a bit and looks down again. "Do you not see how much stronger the sun shines, and how the breeze feels so much better at night? Even food tastes better now." He lifts his head again, smiling. "I have brought so much greatness to these lands." Nala looks back at you, her features a mixture of questions, "It's getting hotter is what I've noticed... and there's hardly any breeze." She shrugs a bit, still being young and not having all the answers, "If you say so... I guess it's whut a king's supposed to do." Scar smiles and nods. "Precisely, Nala. Under my reign even the gods are favoring us, giving us the warmer weather, and better hunting at night. The hunting parties never fail to bring back as many as two or even three kills now. Everyone is prospering." His chest swells till it might burst. "Even I did not foresee how amazing things could be." Nala nods her head, "The gods sure do things rather weird if you ask me..." Scar tips his head to the cub, looking genuinely amused by that comment. "What do you mean by that?" Nala shrugs her tiny shoulders, "Letting Simba and Mufasa die which allowed you to take over as king. I'll never understand why they allowed it.." Scar's eyes narrow as he lifts his head to look over the savannah again. "Mufasa's death was a terrible tragedy," he recites, exactly as he did during the eulogy. He pauses. "One that pains me to think about. Nala, I must ask that you not mention his name to me ever again, for I can not bear the memory." Nala blinks, "But shouldn't we remember the good times and not let the bad overtake it?" Scar holds a moment, frowning. Finally he replies, a smile creeping over his features. "Each of us holds our own private moments, the most special times we ever could have had. It's important to hold onto those memories tightly, and live them as often as you want. But .. for now.. sharing them with me is far too difficult for me." Nala sighs a bit, but nods, letting the matter drop. She really doubted he had any recent 'memories' that he was keeping to himself.. perhaps cubhood ones. But, she did know one thing, you didn't press Scar on anything, so it was dropped with a nod of her head. Scar sighs heavily, looking over the plains for a moment longer. "And now, for o ne of the less pleasant tasks as King, I need to tell Faraa the results of my me eting with King Gesten." Nala blinks, but pretends she knew nothing, "Why would you go all the way to their lands to tell her something when Gesten can tell her himself?" Scar chuckles and pats Nala's head, a little roughly. "This is an unpleasantness that a lady such as yourself shouldn't need to be involved in, Nala." He turns towards his old cave, the hyenas noticing this and jumping to their paws, as if on steady guard the whole time. Nala was ready to jump out of her skin, but forced herself to remain calm. She was completely safe. She watches as he heads off toward the useless hyena guards. (Scar enters, and exits the cave.) Scar comes back out much more quickly than he entered the cave, and with pure rage on his face. Without a word he swings heavy paws at the hyena guards, hitting them hard before they even see it coming, his claws cutting long slashes in their hides. "IDIOTS!" he roars, sending them scampering over each other. Nala jumps up to her paws, startled by the roar in the closeness of the cave. Her blue-green eyes widen as she watches, prepared to run out of the cave if the need arose. Scar snarls, swinging at the hyenas angrily until he's chased them from the cave, shouting angrily all the while. "It was a SIMPLE job! WATCH the LIONESS!" He stands at the exit now, panting with rage, glaring to unknown distant sights. Nala remains near the entrance, aqua-blue orbs wide. She could never recall seeing the lion so angry. She glances over to him, then asks softly, as a innocent cub would, "What happened?" Scar turns from the exit now, oblivious to anyone who may be awake as he stalks back and forth angrily, muttering. "Three days indeed... he only sought to break her out. I was planning LENIANCY! I should have known better... never again.. they will NOT make a fool of me again." Nala's question brings him to the present, and he whirls to her, his eyes flaming. "Did YOU see her LEAVE?!" Nala backs away a few steps, "See who leave? I haven't see anyone come or go but those hyenas." Scar snarls, turning away again. "Yes... stupid incompetant greedy slobbery HOGS. Good for NOTHING... next time it's death... no more of this gentle punishment. I tried it their way, now everyone will see order... OR ELSE. Nala!" He turns towards the cub again. "Nobody, and I mean NOBODY! .. is to enter or leave the Pridelands. Is that understood?" Nala blinks, "What?? You can't mean that.." Scar growls at Nala, lowering his muzzle and advancing on her. "I can and I *DO* mean that. You make sure everyone ELSE knows it. Crossing the border is DEATH, even if I have to hunt you down MYSELF!" Nala stands her ground, her gaze fiery as she levels it at it, "Fine... but don't expect everyone to praise your actions. Some of them will revolt. Why should /we/ be punished because of those idiotic fools you let us on us?" A small, squeaky sound comes from the young cubling as Kammie awakens, and she slowly rolls over. Stretching out her body so that she is now sprawled out on her stomach, and then rolls over on her back, she opens her small maw in a little yawn, and bats her small paws up at the air. As she finally opens her eyes fully, blinking a couple of times, she rolls over on her stomach. Scrunching up her nose she sneezes a little, but after, she gurgles and paws out in front of her. As Kammie's bright, green-blue gaze moves towards Scar, she shrieks loudly. "Scaw!!" Ukomba eyes fly open as Kammie shreaks, then half lid. Tiredly he yawns and strechs, but stays laying against a far wall. Scar snarls and swats at Nala, using the back of his paw to avoid marking her. "DO NOT QUESTION ME!" he roars. "If Faraa had not escaped, I would *NOT* have had to do this." He whirls, roaring, "THIS IS FOR THE GOOD OF EVERYONE! WE ARE AT WAR WITH KOPJE." In his rage, he's not able to hear even the loud squeaks of Kamiaki's voice Fitina slowly opens his eyes with a yawn, as he wakes up from his sleep. Then he notices Scar, but he does not yet speak. Ukomba blinks, "War? Why?" Scar whirls on Ukomba, his rage not abating in the least. "GET OUT!" he snarls. "GET OUT OF MY HOME! I WILL NOT BE QUESTIONED IN MY OWN HOME!" Kamiaki blinks a few times as the lion yells to juvenile, and her nose twitches a little with her head cocking slightly to the right. She shrieks once again as she kicks her back legs and managing in scrambling to her paws; now standing, and she is able to stay standing. "Scaw!" The youngling giggles as she slowly takes step after step, keeping track of her footing. But then, she decides to speed it up, and she begins to run a little. However, she immediately loses her footing, tripping over a fore paw, and tumbling over, landing on her stomach with an oof! Her nose scrunches and she sneezes again just as soon as she falls. Fitina blinks his eyes in surprise as Scar tells Ukomba to leave, and he opens his maw to speak but he just looks down with a frown... Ukomba scrunches up, frightened out of his mind. Quickly he scurries against the wall to the entrence backwards. Scar's angry gaze whirls again, landing on Kamiaki as she tries to walk, not even watching if Ukomba actually leaves. His breath comes in heavy, ragged gasps through clenched teeth, yet, for the moment, he's holding, catching his breath. Ukomba stops at the mouth of the entrence, scared as he is he's not leaving his sister. Fitina turns around towards Ukomba as he stops at the mouth of the entrance and with a slow deep breathe he looks back towards Scar again with a soft growl. Scar holds his pose for a few silent moments, then whirls again, stalking into the royal cavern with a snarl. "I have no choice," he states angrily. Kamiaki attempts to emit a grr as she once again kicks her back legs. Of course, the grr comes out as her loud purr, but she manages to pull herself back up. Her ears flick back a moment, and then pricking forward as she takes on step. Although, she stops, and blinks as the adult leaves into a cave. The cubling then just flops over on her stomach with a deep breath of exhaustion. It's too tiring to follow. Well, for her, anyhow. ^_^ Fitina watches Scar leave and then when Scar leaves he growls angrily, for telling Ukomba to leave. Then he turns around towards Kamiaki with a frown, "Are you alright?" He asks in a worried voice. Kamiaki places her fore paws over her muzzle and closes her eyes, taking short breaths. Again, the cubling lifts her head, and she blinks a little as she stares towards the cave Scar left in. She starts to squirm, pushing against the ground and making it up half way, until she hears Fitina's voice and she flops to her stomach, becoming distracted. She looks towards him with her ears swiveling, and she shrieks loudly, nodding her head. "'Course KamKam kay!" She screws up her nose as she purrs loudly, and finally, she gets back up to her paws. Okay, she can make it, yes.. She can. She starts stepping slowly towards the cave, taking step by step, keeping it easy. Gradually, she becomes closer and closer, but as she feels herself even closer, she starts to pick of speed which leads to tripping, and she plops over with an oof on her stomach! Fitina watches Kamiaki as she does so and then he heads over towards her, "Do you need any help?" Ukomba steps forward. A little hurt that Kammie doesn't care Scar just yelled at him, maybe even banished him. Well banished or not he's not leaving with out her. "Where are you going?" Kamiaki blinks more and she lifts her bright gaze up to Fitina, her nose twitching with her whiskers. She shakes her head rapidly, and shrieking once more, "No need 'elp. Me c'n do 't!" She nods her head vigorously, and just as she is to get up again, she glances towards her brother. She then lets her gaze drop to the ground and slowly pulls herself up to her paws. It's not that to much further. As she stands again, she answers Ukomba without looking to him. "Go ta... Scaw.." She nods once, and she takes on step, and starts walking. Then, she pounces to the cave. As she does this, she lands on her paws just outside, and she stumbles... Then, slipping on her paws, she tumbles forward in a roll. But whatever, this time she's in! Scar is laying in the far corner of the cave, his head on his paws and his eyes angrily staring at the wall. As Kamiaki rolls in his head turns, looking at her, then shaking his head. "What do You want?" he asks softly, neither angrily nor sarcastically, just with a hint of exhaustion. Ukomba frowns and turns, scared, angry, sad. He just wakes up, wants to know what's going on and he gets yelled at. Not only that but no one even cares. Fitina frowns as he looks over towards Ukomba, for he does care but he does not know what to do or say. Whew! Finally, she made it. ^_^ Kammie giggles and smiles proudly as she slowly gets to her paws, for the last time... Hopefully. Her tail sways behind her rapidly now, and she takes on step before she walks a little faster then before. Now that she knows that's Scar's actually there, she runs even faster. This time, she makes a few paces away from the lion, and finally tumbles over and landing on her stomach in front of him. She giggles, and gurgles, and bats her little paws. "KamKam make 't!" She squeals delightfully. Ukomba narrows his eyes trying to concentrate on anger to avoid crying. It works for the most part, only his eyes water, and a single tear makes it down his cheek, but staring out the cave its hidden from Fitina. Maybe he should run in there and grab her, and just run away. No. He's just jealous, both of her and Scar. Scar because Kammie seems to care more about Scar then she does him, and Kammie because Scar obviously likes her a lot more then him. Scar shakes his head slowly, sounding much older than he is. "You shouldn't be in here, Kammie. There are lots of bad things going on, and I need to plan." He makes no move to chase her out, however. Fitina turns around and pads over towards the mouth of the cave, and then he looks down at the ground as he thinks to himself about how much Scar has changed. Then with a deep breathe he turns back around towards Ukomba, wishing he knew what to say to him. Kamiaki lets out a loud purr, this time meaning to actually purr and not as a grr. She nuzzles up against Scar, before curling up into a small ball and looking up to him with her sparkling, green-blue orbs shining brightly. "Sday... Wif.. . Scaw." The youngling then buries her muzzle into her paws, and keeps up her loud purring. She doesn't understand much, does she? Ukomba turns away from Fitina and pads farther into the cave. He feels so small and powerless, wich he is, but its still an uncomfortable feeling. Scar shakes his head slowly, wanting to shove the cub away and draw her close at the same time, torn in a way he hadn't been for so long. "Can't you see, little one? It's too late for me.. I can never go back." His paw comes up, stroking Kamiaki's back lightly. "The innocence of youth.. oh.. to be innocent again." Fitina is starting to feel even more alone and scared than he ever has before, as he remains where he is he slowly closes his eyes and for the first time in his life really think about what's going to happen to him?