Flipside Muck - Thursday, November 21, 2002 ------------------------------------------- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' OO O______OO___OOOOO___OO_____`OO'_____OO___OO_____`OO______OOO' .O OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO' OO OO O __OOO OOOOO OO OO OO.___ `OO OO OO OO __OOO O O OOOOO OOOOO OO __.OOOOOO' OO OO OO OO OOOOO O O OOOOO OO OO OOOOO OO OO OO OO O O___OOOOO______OO___OO___OOOOO_____.OO___OO_____.OO______OOOOOOO OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A multi-themed multi-world muck SysAdmin: Tursi Complaints: /dev/NULL To connect, use: connect To request a character, or the AUP, see http://flipsidemuck.org Connecting indictes acceptance of the Acceptable Use Policy Pridelands - In Front of Pride Rock ----------------------------------- You are standing before a tall outcropping of rock, contrasting the flatness of this area. Lions lay around and on it, making this the home of the ruling pride. Looking up, you see a large outcropping, where the King may stand and make announcements. This is Pride Rock. You see nobody on the promontory. [On the Promontory] Ahadi has arrived. [On the Promontory] Scar has arrived. [On the Promontory] Akase has arrived. [On the Promontory] Mufasa has arrived. [On the Promontory] Ahadi halts near the tip of the Promontory with his sons at his side, taking a moment now to gaze out across those that have gathered down below. "I thank you all for your attendance today on this very special occasion." He announces to all. [On the Promontory] Trotting up alongside of his father, though remaining a few paces back at he addresses the crowd, Mufasa watches with an air of quiet dignity.. belying the seething excitement he feels at this, the most important moment of his life to date.. A quick, casual glance is offered towards his brother, opposite their father, to see if he can catch any of Taka's feelings.. [On the Promontory] Scar takes a slow look over the assembled creatures, his expression rather neutral. A careful observation would see that although he's hiding it, the young lion is standing with pride, tall and with his shoulders squared. He catches Mufasa's glance behind Ahadi's head, and can't help but offer half a smirk. Perhaps he'll enjoy this yet. [On the Promontory] The form of the lioness Queen is to be seen seconds after, in a slow peace Akase soon stops right behind the three males, sitting upon her haunches and curling her tail around her paws, a soft pleased smile crosses her muzzle as her eyes watch the gathered crowd. [On the Promontory] Ahadi takes one last look at the crowd gathered below, then turns his gaze skyward. He begins, "When we lions are born to loving parents, and first step paw onto the lands, we unknowingly start walking a path that has been followed for countless generations before us. The path of cubhood. This path is fraught with many events. Some wonderful, some painful. All shaping our lives in each individual way." [On the Promontory] Ahadi continues, "To a lion, this path leads to the right to bear a mane, to take a mate, and to take their place in the Great Circle of Life." [On the Promontory] Ahadi takes a moment to look from one son at his side, to the other. "I remember the day my sons took their very first steps, and how proud I was of them. I stayed beside them as they struggled to find their way, guiding them, but never shielding them from the truths of the world around them, for I wanted them to grow up strong and wise. But I remember how I sometimes hoped they would never grow up, so I could be there at their sides forever." [On the Promontory] Ahadi turns his gaze back to the nearly cloudless sky before him. "Today they have reached the end of one path. They have grown, matured, and learned all I have to teach. They bear their manes with strength and pride. And like their ancestors before them, they now begin a new path, one of strength and responsibility. The path of adulthood." [On the Promontory] Ahadi continues on flawlessly, despite his emotions, "Raising a cub is a difficult job, and sometimes..." he shoots a quick glance Taka's way, "a thankless one. But today when I see my sons standing tall and strong before you all, I feel so much pride that I know every ounce of effort was worth it, that I've done my best and for my efforts, or perhaps despite them, I now present to you not one, but two strong and confident lions ready to take their places." [On the Promontory] Ahadi now steps aside a little, glancing back over his shoulder to Akase. With a smile, he gives her a small nod of his head, then turns to address the crowd once again, "My Queen would now like to offer her blessings." [On the Promontory] A soft smile is offered to her mate as she steps closer, giving him a slight nod before looking towards the gathered crowd around the base of the promontory. One ear flickers, "I must say," the Queen starts with a voice loud enough for all the animals around to hear, "that even though we are not bound by blood, I've always considered Mufasa and Taka as my own sons; because I love them, because they are Ahadi's sons and because they deserve the best. May Ahieu guide their paths through their lives. I'm proud of them both and they know I wish them the best luck in all the world for the paths they'll choose." Akase stops quietly, blue eyes peering down at the animals, then back to her mate. [On the Promontory] Ahadi smiles widely as his Queen speaks, and once done, offers her warm, affectionate nuzzle. He now turns his gaze to Mufasa, addressing him with a loud enough voice for all to hear. "Mufasa, my son. You were graced with both strength and gentleness, and you have learned to balance what many may see as two extremes. You will need this balance, for I have chosen you to rule as King after the sun sets on my time here. You must always remember the lessons you have learned, to be fair to your subjects, and strong to your enemies. Remember that a King must sometimes make decisions that are hard, sometimes painful to make for the good of all, but that you must never forget a single creature when these decisions fall upon you. Your job will never be easy, for everything the light touches is our Kingdom. But if you remember all that I've taught you, I know you'll be a Great King in your own right." [On the Promontory] Ahadi continues, "All these creatures have gathered now to see you begin your new path of adulthood. It's now time for you to show them you are ready to accept your duties and responsibilities! Show them you are noble, courageous, and mighty! Show them you are now a true lion!" [On the Promontory] Oh man.. NOT the time to screw up. Mufasa, however, is confident. He was born for this moment! Standing as tall and proud as his large frame possibly can, puffing his chest out proudly, the grown lion steps up alongside of his father and, tipping his muzzle towards the heavens, bellows as mighty and powerful a roar as his lungs can muster! [On the Promontory] Ahadi's pride is all too obvious now. Smiling widely, he nods his head as his son announces the beginning of his adulthood in a powerful way. Now, he turns to Taka, "Taka, you were given the gifts of intelligence and courage. Where your body may be weaker than your brother's none will ever question the power of your will. If I had another Kingdom to give, there would be no question that I would give it to you. I have no second Kingdom to give. However, what I can offer..." he pauses momentarily, a small smile winding across his maw, "is a chance for you to use the gifts you possess for the betterment of the pride. Taka, you will remain here as Prince. To help your brother and to take your rightful place in the Great Circle. With you by your brother's side, there is no goal that can't be achieved, no hardship that can't be overcome. It will truly be the beginning of a great and glorious future!" [On the Promontory] Ahadi continues on with an even wider smile, "Now, my son, show those that have gathered here you are ready to begin walking the path of adulthood! Show them you are willing to embrace the joys and face the hardships of being a lion with nobility and courage! Show them you are a child no more, but a true lion in body and in spirit!" [On the Promontory] Scar steps forward, prepared to do his part in the ceremony, only to stop abruptly with a startled expression as the words sink in. He looks towards Ahadi, as if for confirmation, clearly something is not as he expected. But the delay is momentary, and now a large smile crosses Scar's features. His smaller frame doesn't allow him the presence of Mufasa, but that isn't going to stop him today. A deep breath, and with his head high and eyes squeezed shut the young lion shouts his warning to all who would dare come near - Taka is a lion. [On the Promontory] Ahadi nods his head slowly, solidifying his words. The may not be able to see it below, but Ahadi's eyes begin to mist up. Soon after Taka's roar, Ahadi turns to address the crowd below. "Behold! My sons are now lions, and with that I grant them all the rights and priviledges of adulthood! Respect them as you respect me. May the ground tremble before them!" With that, Ahadi draws in a deep breath, and roars a warning to all. Two new lions now walk these lands. [On the Promontory] Once more, with a feeling.. Mufasa steps up again, this time stepping past Ahadi to address the crowds directly, and again parts his maw in an air shattering, ear splitting roar which echoes out, once more, across the savannah.. [On the Promontory] Scar stands alongside Ahadi again, and after one more rather curious look, he's joining in to the cacophony with his own deafening roar! [On the Promontory] Giving her mate a soft smile as she stands beside him, Queen Akase's eyes soon shut closed to release a mighty lioness roar to join the other three lions'. [On the Promontory] And now, with the words having been spoken, and the roars now complete, Ahadi takes a brief moment to look to both his sons and Queen, then the many creatures gathered below. "My sons are cubs no more. And to prove this, I will now face each one in a battle to prove their strength, and prove they have the right to make their own decisions in life from this day forward." Zira's ears fall back at Ahadi's words. Her breath catches a bit in her chest...what happens if Taka were to lose? This was an unexpected turn of events... [On the Promontory] Ahadi continues on, his gaze focusing down on one spot right below the promontory. "My sons and I will now join you all below. Please allow us space to begin our battle." Zira's head snaps up and she begins to orginize the beasts into a large circle. "You move over! Make way! Make way." [On the Promontory] Ahadi leaves the promontory. [On the Promontory] Mufasa leaves the promontory. [On the Promontory] Scar leaves the promontory. Ahadi arrives from the south side of Pride Rock. Mufasa arrives from the south side of Pride Rock. Scar arrives from the south side of Pride Rock. Zira bows to Ahadi as he passes by...her eyes shift to Taka as he goes by...her mood is well-guarded. Scar's head is tall as he follows the other two lions, and there's a hint of anticipation in the lion's eyes. Mufasa looks confident as he strides alongside his father.. [On the Promontory] As the lions move down the promontory, the lioness queen steps forwards to stand where Ahadi was standing in, and there she takes seat again. Blue eyes following their forms while her tail curls around her paws, the tip flickering slowly. Ahadi moves along slowly toward the clearing below the promontory, nodding every now and then as he passes by his loyal subjects. Soon, he makes his way right up under the shadow of the towering stone monolith. "Mufasa, come forward, son." he calls out, turning to face the noticably larger lion completely. Sarabi sits down on her haunches, watching. She had heard of this part of mantlements before, but wasn't sure it was still in practise. Mufasa squares his broad shoulders before stepping into the 'ring', taking only a quick, all encompassing glance around himself to see the myriad of faces staring back. Lumbering up, the massive lion stops before his sire and bows his head once.. Ahadi returns the gesture with a small smile and a nod in return. "Son, you're now ready to face the world as a lion. Only one task keeps you from this. Prove yourself by defeating me in battle, and you will earn your adulthood in my eyes, and in the eyes of the gods above." With that, the king begins to brace himself, lowering just a little now to defend himself. Scar settles down, lowering his haunches next to the cleared area in which his brother and father face off, watching carefully, and showing no signs of concern. He doesn't speak, or look around, he just waits his turn. Mufasa nods once more, the only other outward sign he gives before hunching forward slightly, lowering his head as well as he begins to circle around Ahadi, studying the elder male's posture... Ahadi begins to follow his son's movements, doing his best to keep himself facing the larger lion. Everything else around him seems to fade away to him. Tail lashing, he awaits the moment his son makes his move. Sarabi glances over toward Taka, wanting to congratulate him, but seeing he was deep in thought, she chooses to wait, turning her attentions to Mufasa and Ahadi, glad that the King had decided to let Taka remain here. The wait isn't a long one.. With a quick feint to one side for starters, to throw his opponent off a little, Mufasa snarls loudly as he lunges for Ahadi. Large paws outstretched, their deadly implements safely tucked away, the huge male propels himself with a quick, powerful bound towards the aging lion. The crowd of animals surrounding the battling lions watch in unison, a ripple of murmurs spreading through their ranks as Mufasa makes the first move. A restless shuffling of hooves from the zebras, a grunt or two of anticipation from a pair of water buffalos. Smaller animals; a smattering of hopping mice, a group of hares, and even the smaller monkeys begin to chitter amongst themselves, skipping from paw to paw with excitement and anticipation. Emotions may well be running highest amongst the present royalty; but this is a great moment for all present. Ahadi emits a snarl of his own as the battle truly begins. The King flinches, then attempts to leap out to the side, away from those widestretched paws. His own forepaw swings out to deflect his son's attack, though it would likely do little to nothing to help with such a powerful lion on the attack... Turning his head fractionally, into the direction of any blows to lessen the fictitious impacts, as well as diffusing them through his mane, Mufasa presses on with his assault, swinging one of his own paws out towards his Sire. Zira slinks her way over towards Taka, trying not to attract attention to herself. Once beside him, she wraps her tail around herself and throws a concerned glance or to his way. The battle may be a ceremonious one, however, Ahadi does use considerable effort to defend himself against his son. Though he attempts to block Mufasa's large paw, he is unable to keep his other foreleg from being pulled out from under him. Immediately, the King goes down onto his chest with a heavy grunt. Mufasa seizes the opportunity, pouncing onto it.. as it were. Ahadi soon feels his son's crushing weight bearing down upon him, the larger of the two males wrestling just a few moments more in order to be able to face his father in this moment of victory.. and place a quick slurp upon his cheek. :) Throughout the series of swings and feints, the crowd's excitement had been growing- murmurings slowly lending their way into cheers of encouragement, sympathetic lulls, and then, as the lick is offered from son to fallen father- a mighty burst of bellows, roars, trumpets, hooting, nickering, neighing, stamping... the crowd, quite literally, goes -wild-! Ahadi winces and exhales raggedly below his son's weight. He struggles valiantly against the towering lion above him, but to no avail. Panting, a wide grin soon crosses his maw, the lick catching him by surprise, immediately lightening the mood of the fight. "Well kid. I guess you're tough enough to be a lion." he murmurs. Scar rolls his eyes as Mufasa slurps his Father's cheek, but he smirks nonetheless, raising himself into a standing position. He catches Zira's near position and offers her a confident smile and a silent nod, waiting for the noise to die down. Zira whispers in the midst of the noise. "Be careful, Taka." Mufasa rises back up onto his paws, stepping back to give his father room.. Headbutting Ahadi's flank softly as he, as well, rises. "Thank you, father.." With a grunt and an even wider grin, Ahadi picks himself back up off the ground, wincing just a little. His body just isn't used to being pounded on by such a large lion. Taking a moment to shake his mane and pelt free of dust an debris, the King now turns to face Taka. "Ok Taka. Lets do this..." Zira swallows hard as she watches...with much effort she poises herself to hide her fear for Taka. Scar smirks widely as he steps forward to face his father, nodding his head halfway in a weak bow, then crouching low, already beginning to circle. "Mufasa went easy on you, Father," he smirks. "Don't expect the same from me." The crowd rustles itself back into a subdued murmur, almost hushed into complete silence as Scar now takes his turn. A young gazelle, somewhere near the front, takes a moment to sneeze- rather obviously... to be instantly hushed and glared at by herd-mates. Offering a sheepish grin, the young antelope quickly sets his attention back to where everybody else' is directed... firmly upon the circling lions. Ahadi's grin seems to fade a little, and soon, he's back on the defensive, his muscles tensing in preparation. "I expect nothing but the best you got, Taka." he shoots right back, eyes narrowing just a little as he begins to turn, keeping himself facing the smaller lion as best he can. Being much smaller than Mufasa, Scar learned different tactics, but his brother's influence on his movements is still obvious. He makes several quick feints, sweeping his paws at the older lion's head and trying to get to his side, keeping his distance and relying on faster movements. Ahadi does well to duck away from his son's swinging paws, but it's becoming obvious Taka is much quicker than the older lion. Ahadi too, reaches out to snag a foreleg, but misses by a good distance. He knows the attack will be any second now... The older lion isn't disappointed, Scar steps in quickly, roaring loudly as he takes a heavy swipe at the lion's face - his ebony claws fully extended. Counting on the elder to dodge the deliberately excessive attack, he quickly follows through with a sweep at Ahadi's forepaws, leaning heavily into it. Almost stereotypical, the crowd 'ooohs' and 'ahhhs' at appropriate moments, eyes wide and heads bobbing, younger animals trying to push themselves in front of each other for a better view. Their tension, anticipation, is mounting... somewhere midway through the ranks, a cocky zebra stallion calls out "C'mon, Ahadi! Show 'im what for!" - to which a pair of twin olive baboons, fists raise, immediately counter. "Go, Scar! Show some fang!" Voices upon voices add their opinions, volume amongst the crowd increasing several-fold. Mufasa sits back, at Sarabi's side, grinning as he watches the scene unfold.. His own cheers go up, calling out to his brother.. And as expected, the attack comes. However, it's not what Ahadi expected. Eyes widening as the claws are seen, he immediately jerks his head back and away from the swinging paw, leaving his forelegs quite vulnerable...which Scar takes advantage of. Before he has a chance to even realize what his son is doing, he finds his forepaws pulled out from under him, sending him hard to the ground with a heavy grunt. Sarabi just watches quietly, knowing it was hard for Taka, but knowing he could do it. Scar is atop Ahadi even as the dust cloud rises around the larger lion, snarling loudly as his muzzle dives for his Father's throat. It takes a bit more wrestling, but Scar moves quickly, and before Ahadi is fully recovered he has a clear shot, and looks for all the world like he's going to take it. Just before his jaws reach the throat, however, he stops, his expression going smug, and very pointedly 'nips' his Father's throat, properly ending the battle. Zira's breath, which was being held firmly, releases in a rush of relief. There's a roar from the crowd as Ahadi is brought down, a series of co-ordinated stamps from a trio of eager elephants setting the earth to shaking. At Scar's 'nipping', a band of vervet monkeys begin leaping up and down, wild with enthusiasm, while the baboons beat at the ground with their palms. Animals everywhere begin to go up in cheers, once again, the noise swelling and spreading throughout the savannah. Golden eyes watch from the distance as one Baboon stays silent among the others, leaning against his old wrought staff. He is taking slow, silent breaths, almost as if he was judging from afar. Rafiki simply stays quiet, and out of sight, being only a watcher, instead of a shaman this time. It takes a moment for the stunned lion to recover from the sudden fall he took. However, turning his head just enough to gaze up at his son, he finds himself defeated, the nip to his neck signifying Taka's victory. He exhales deeply. "Taka, you've defeated your father and now have the right lead your own life." His voice lowers to a mere whisper. "I'm proud of you." Scar looks pretty proud of himself, too, as he steps back, allowing Ahadi to his feet. Indeed, it's been a remarkable event for the young lion, and only now does he allow himself to actually see the creatures around them, seeing them, rather than merely looking at them. Mufasa slowly rises to his paws.. He never really doubted his brother, but still.. This is quite a feat for Taka. Stepping up to him, the Heir prods his brother's flank playfully with his nose, "Hey! Congratulations.." Scar can't help but smile back towards his brother, playfully batting at his mane, still on the adrenaline rush. "I'll take you, too," he teases. Mufasa grins and reaches out to ruffle at Scar's mane, "Maybe after the party..." Once again forced to pick himself back up from the ground, Ahadi winces a little more this time, his body protesting the abuse with aches and pains now. Shaking out his mane and eventually the rest of his pelt, the King dismisses his aches and pains to address the crowd. "My sons have now earned the right to be called lions. They have my blessings." Taking a moment to gaze out across the sea of creatures, and his sons, Ahadi adds, "Now, everyone show my sons that you all feel they are truly worthy of being respected as lions!" Zira strides out of the crowd and bows firmly towards Taka. The crowd simply continues to cheer and stamp and raise a fuss, ringed around the royalty, as it were. It's not often, of course, that there comes the opportunity for beasts of all kinds to converge and celebrate a single cause- so when such opportunity arises, they'll make the most of it! Birds of all kind trill and flutter and flock as one, solitary cheetahs mingle with the skittish antelope, zebras nudge wildebeest shoulder-to-shoulder, and even a sprightly young fennec finds himself the source of noogies from a group of meerkats. A lull is quick to form, however, as they are addressed- but it's only brief, before the commotion sets up louder than it has yet seen this day. Herbivores rear up on their hind legs, elephants stamp. An obliging buffalo swings monkeys into the air with thrusts of his powerful horns... Together, the crowd celebrates, together, as a single, massed community, the cheer and roar their appreciation to the lions, a whole-hearted respect for the circle blossoming and beaming from all gathered. It is a mighty moment. Truly, they give their respect. Slowly, Rafiki begins to clap, eyes still intent upon the pair of newly aged lions. Wrinkled brow furrows slightly as he lets out a breath, shoulders rolling to pop a few times. Its a moment of joy for everyone, and yet, he remains deep in thought, concern riddling his features. Sarabi smiles warmly to Mufasa and Taka, nuzzling each of them happily, "I am so happy for you both. I really am." She looks over to Ahadi and smiles to him with a bow, "You've raised two fine sons." "Thanks Sassy.." Mufasa smiles, nuzzling her fondly with a rich purrr... A quick glance is offered towards Zira, who only seems to acknowledge his brother.. Oh yeah.. BIG surprise.. He smirks a little and turns his attention back onto Taka. "So.. how do you feel?" Scar smiles warmly towards Zira, offering her a welcoming nod, then stepping forward to nuzzle her gently. He also accepts Sarabi's nuzzle with a warm purr, and sits down, beaming at all the attention. Zira resituates herself at Taka's shoulder...a confident swagger returning to her and becoming the lioness as she finds her place. Scar grins across to Mufasa. "I can barely think with all that's going on, Brother, but I'm..." he looks towards Ahadi, "pleasantly surprised, and very happy to have made it this far." He grins crookedly, and winks. "Looks like we won't need your plan after all." Mufasa smiles and nods, swinging a paw playfully at a few of Scar's whiskers. "I'd like to say I was in on this one, but I'm rather surprised as well.." Ahadi smiles widely, truly proud of his sons...both of them. He only hopes they share the same thoughts about him. Offering Sarabi a smile and a nod of acknowledgement, he again raises his voice over the roar of the crowd. "The ceremony is now complete. Your attendance here has meant a lot to me and my sons. I thank you all, and wish you all the very best!" Though there's the expected momentary raise in noise levels as Ahadi offers his thanks to all, the crowd soon begins to dissipate, the thronging beasts beginning to pull back into their respective groups- to babble excitedly to one another, youngsters engaging in -their- interpretations of the battles they've just witnessed... but there is still an air of completeness and comradeship carried amongst all- chances are, there'll be no hunting to night. No predators, no prey- just life.