; GPU disassembly - Jaguar cartridge Verification
; disassembly by Tursi - 15 Feb 09
; To my knowledge there is no existing disassembly of
; the GPU boot procedure, so here's mine. There is an
; object file which I used for some labels. I'm not aware
; of any disassembly or object file of the encrypted header
; existing. (Well, it turns out there are some out there
; after all... someday we'll use them to improve this one ;) )
; Much help by the Virtual Jaguar source code, KSkunk's
; knowledge of the machine, and the Jag Tech Ref manual.
; Most of the labels come from the boot object file found on
; the AtariHQ CD. Equates and buffers (except bootII) I
; had to name so they may be named misleadingly.
; This code is copied into GPU RAM by the 68k at startup.
; The 68k then goes into a loop waiting for the GPU to
; stop. When the GPU stops, the 68k looks for '0x03d0dead'
; in the first address of GPU memory. If it finds that,
; then it proceeds to run the cartridge by branching to
; the vector in the cartridge header.
; The JagCD make some assumptions when it boots.
; It decrypts the header into the DSP instead of the GPU,
; then makes a handful of hard-coded fixups to addresses,
; using a table in it's BIOS. Finally, it does the MD5 check
; and swap itself, and then skips that part of the encrypted boot.
; Note the code below doesn't include the JagCD part
; of the decryption but I'll try to note the parts it alters.
; The encrypted code contains the startup functionality
; and the MD5 check for the ROM. This code works by
; decrypting the number of blocks specified in the first
; byte of the header (in two's complement) to 'bootII',
; then branching to it. There is limited checksumming to
; ensure that the blocks are probably valid. This checksum
; is also encrypted so is non-trivial to modify. Each block
; takes about 500ms to decode. In a normal Jaguar cartridge,
; with or without the universal header, there are 10
; blocks to decrypt, so boot takes 5 seconds.
; The only way to change this would be to use a different
; encrypted header.
; decryption equates
cartbase equ $00800000 ; first address of cartridge rom
number equ 68 ; number of bytes in a block, rounded up to 32 bits. The true count is 65.
magic1 equ $ABCDEFFF ; used for a good cart read??
magic2 equ $12345678 ; used for a bad cart read??
swapaddr1 equ $00F03668 ; first address in decrypted code to swap (only relevant on Atari header)
swapaddr2 equ $00F035D0 ; second address in decrypted code to swap (only relevant on Atari header)
; md5 equates from cart header
md5first equ $008002C0
md5last equ $00A00000 ; 2MB, or $00C00000 on a 4MB cart
md5hash0 equ $67452301
md5hash1 equ $EFCDAB89
md5hash2 equ $98BADCFE
md5hash3 equ $10325476
00f03000: dc.b 0,0,0 ; should these be here or is this an emulator bug?
; Public key
00f03003: dc.b $2f,$c5,$0f,$79,$b7,$96,$1b,$10
00f0300b: dc.b $a2,$ea,$46,$ab,$a1,$f0,$1d,$af
00f03013: dc.b $c5,$c7,$94,$c0,$08,$b9,$81,$80
00f0301b: dc.b $5e,$5b,$93,$f5,$03,$02,$41,$fe
00f03023: dc.b $75,$b7,$1c,$e8,$e7,$22,$79,$a3
00f0302b: dc.b $d5,$be,$30,$45,$f9,$ea,$35,$d9
00f03033: dc.b $8a,$0a,$15,$40,$b4,$b4,$e8,$4e
00f0303b: dc.b $a6,$dd,$17,$ee,$42,$33,$10,$0d
00f03043: dc.b $f9
; End of public key
; Buffer used as temp in decryption
00f03044: bss 68*3
; buffer used as temp in decryption
00f03110: bss 68*3
; buffer used as temp in decryption
00f031dc: bss 68*3
; Buffer used as temp in decryption (holds byteswapped data from cart)
00f032a8: bss 68
; This is the main entry point to the GPU cart
; verification code.
00F032EC: MOVEI blkloop ($00F03314),R29 (981D) ; address of main block decrytion loop
00F032F2: MOVEI cartbase ($00800000),R00 (9800) ; address in cartridge being read
00F032F8: MOVEI number (68),R27 (981B) ; number of bytes in a block
00F032FE: MOVEI gpubuf ($00F032A8),R26 (981A) ; small buffer in GPU RAM to read cart into
00F03304: LOADB (R00),R13 (9C0D) ; Read block count from cartridge
00F03306: MOVETA R13,R02 (91A2) ; Store in R2.B
00F03308: MOVEI startcode ($00F035A8),R13 (980D) ; Load address of entry point to decrypted code
00F0330E: MOVETA R13,R01 (91A1) ; Store in R1.B
00F03310: MOVEQ 0,R13 (8C0D) ; Get a zero
00F03312: MOVETA R13,R00 (91A0) ; Store in R0.B
; Top of loop for decrypting a block
00F03314: MOVEI $000000FF,R23 (9817) ; Get $FF in R23
00F0331A: MOVE R26,R14 (8B4E) ; Get address of GPU buffer in R14
00F0331C: MOVE R27,R01 (8B61) ; Get number of bytes to read into R1
00F0331E: MOVEQ 0,R13 (8C0D) ; Clr R13 (temp)
00F03320: MOVEQ 4,R02 (8C82) ; Load '4' into R2 (index for 4
; read in 32-bits, one byte at a time, byte order 4321
00F03322: ADDQ $1,R00 (0820) ; Increment cartridge address
00F03324: LOADB (R00),R16 (9C10) ; Read next byte from cart
00F03326: OR R16,R13 (2A0D) ; merge into R13 temp
00F03328: SUBQ $1,R02 (1822) ; decrement R2 index
00F0332A: JR nz,swapit4 (00F03322) (D761) ; not zero, keep reading
00F0332C: RORQ $8,R13 (750D) ; delay slot, shift over 8 bits
00F0332E: SUBQ $4,R01 (1881) ; decrement count of bytes read by 4
00F03330: JR nz,loadsig (00F0331E) (D6C1) ; not finished, read the next 32-bits
00F03332: STORE R13,(R14+R01) (F02D) ; delay slot, save the word into the
GPU buffer (note reverse order!)
; One block read into the gpubuffer - prepare to decrypt. But first,
; we take the last 32 bit block read and strip it down to one byte.
; this is because a block is 65 bytes, but our loop reads 68.
00F03334: AND R23,R13 (26ED) ; get least significant byte from
last word read
00F03336: STORE R13,(R14) (BDCD) ; save back into the gpubuffer
(overwrites last write)
00F03338: SUBQ $3,R00 (1860) ; back up cartridge address 3 bytes
00F0333A: RORQ $8,R23 (7517) ; rotate mask to most significant
byte ($ff000000)
00F0333C: SHARQ $8,R23 (6D17) ; shift arithmetic (should give
00F0333E: MOVE R23,R22 (8AF6) ; copy mask
00F03340: NOT R22 (3016) ; invert (should give $0000ffff)
00F03342: MOVEI plierlp ($00F03378),R20 (9814) ; store address of plierlp in R20
00F03348: MOVEI candlp ($00F03384),R19 (9813) ; store address of candlp in R19
00F0334E: MOVEI multlp ($00F0336A),R28 (981C) ; store address of multlp in R28
00F03354: MOVEQ 0,R18 (8C12) ; get a zero into R18
00F03356: MOVE R26,R04 (8B44) ; get address of GPU buffer into R4
00F03358: ADD R27,R04 (0364) ; add number of bytes to process (68)
00F0335A: MOVE R04,R07 (8887) ; copy end of buffer address to R7
00F0335C: MOVE R26,R03 (8B43) ; get address of GPU buffer into R3
00F0335E: MOVE R26,R06 (8B46) ; ... and R6
00F03360: MOVEI decbuf ($00F03044),R12 (980C) ; Get another buffer into R12
00F03366: MOVE R27,R13 (8B6D) ; copy number of bytes to process
into R13 (68)
00F03368: SHARQ $1,R13 (6C2D) ; Divide byte count by 2 (now word
; This does an RSA decryption of the block into the buffer at R12?
00F0336A: MOVE R07,R08 (88E8) ; copy end of source buffer to R8
00F0336C: SUBQ $1,R13 (182D) ; Decrement word count
; This block zeros out the work buffer decbuf
00F0336E: STORE R18,(R12) (BD92) ; Write R18 (0) to decbuf ptr R12
00F03370: ADDQT $4,R12 (0C8C) ; add 4 to R12 (don't change flags!)
00F03372: JR nz,clearpro (00F0336E) (D7A1) ; (flags set by subq!) loop if not zero
00F03374: SUBQ $1,R13 (182D) ; delay slot - decrement word count
00F03376: MOVE R12,R21 (8995) ; store end of work buffer in R21
00F03378: SUBQ $4,R04 (1884) ; subtract 4 bytes from end of GPUbuf
00F0337A: MOVE R12,R11 (898B) ; Copy work destination address
00F0337C: LOAD (R04),R05 (A485) ; Read dword from gpubuf into R5
00F0337E: SUBQ $4,R12 (188C) ; Decrement decbuf pointer by 4
00F03380: MOVE R05,R01 (88A1) ; copy read word to R1
00F03382: RORQ $10,R01 (7601) ; swap high and low words
; I don't really get this algorithm. Is this the RSA?
; The data is manipulated first from gpubuf->decbuf, then again from decbuf->cubbuf
; There are definately some comment errors with regards to the buffer pointers, so read
; carefully. I'll need to redo this section sometime.
00F03384: SUBQ $4,R08 (1888) ; decrement by 4 gpubuf work pointer
00F03386: LOAD (R08),R09 (A509) ; read the dword there into R9
00F03388: MOVE R09,R10 (892A) ; Copy data to R10
00F0338A: MOVE R09,R13 (892D) ; and R13
00F0338C: RORQ $10,R10 (760A) ; word swap the read data
00F0338E: MULT R05,R13 (40AD) ; 16 bit multiply of the low word
read in plierlp and the low word read here
00F03390: MOVE R10,R16 (8950) ; copy the word swapped version of
this data to R16
00F03392: MULT R01,R09 (4029) ; 16 bit multiply of the high word
read in plierlp and the low word read here
00F03394: MULT R05,R16 (40B0) ; ..low word in plierlp and high word
00F03396: MULT R01,R10 (402A) ; ..high word in plierlp and high
word here
; So far:
; R13 = outer.low * inner.low
; R09 = outer.high * inner.low
; R16 = outer.low * inner.high
; R10 = outer.high * inner.high
; kay!
00F03398: ADD R16,R09 (0209) ; add ol.ih and oh.il
00F0339A: MOVEQ 0,R16 (8C10) ; zero r16
00F0339C: ADDC R16,R16 (0610) ; trick - set R16 to 1 if the
previous add caused a carry
00F0339E: RORQ $10,R09 (7609) ; word swap sum result
00F033A0: RORQ $10,R16 (7610) ; word swap carry to match
00F033A2: MOVE R09,R17 (8931) ; store the value in R17
00F033A4: AND R22,R17 (26D1) ; Mask just the low word (which is
the high word data?)
00F033A6: AND R23,R09 (26E9) ; Mask R9 to just the high word (low
word data?)
00F033A8: OR R17,R16 (2A30) ; OR R17 into R16, giving the carry
in high word and part of the sum in the low word
00F033AA: SUBQ $4,R11 (188B) ; decrement by four pointer into
00F033AC: ADD R09,R13 (012D) ; add R9 (high word) into R13 (ol*il)
00F033AE: LOAD (R11),R09 (A569) ; Get the current value from decbuf
(blank first pass) into R9
00F033B0: ADDC R10,R16 (0550) ; Adds R10 (oh*ih) into R16,
including previous addition's carry
00F033B2: ADD R13,R09 (01A9) ; Add R13 (created above) into R9
(read from decbuf)
00F033B4: MOVE R11,R10 (896A) ; Save R11 pointer in R10
00F033B6: STORE R09,(R11) (BD69) ; store new value of R9 back into
00F033B8: SUBQT $4,R10 (1C8A) ; decrement R10 pointer by 4
00F033BA: LOAD (R10),R13 (A54D) ; Read value from decbuf into R13
00F033BC: ADDC R16,R13 (060D) ; Add R16 (created above) into R13
(read from decbuf)
00F033BE: JR nc,noCYout (00F033CC) (D4C4) ; jump ahead if there was no carry
00F033C0: STORE R13,(R10) (BD4D) ; Delay slot - write new R13 back to
; if the last add generated a carry...
00F033C2: SUBQT $4,R10 (1C8A) ; decrement decbuf pointer by 4 again
00F033C4: LOAD (R10),R13 (A54D) ; read the value there
00F033C6: ADDC R18,R13 (064D) ; trick (R18==0) to add the carry to
the value
00F033C8: JR c,CYlp (00F033C2) (D788) ; If this operation caused a carry, loop
around again
00F033CA: STORE R13,(R10) (BD4D) ; delay slot, write new R13 back to
; When we are done passing along the carry, continue here
00F033CC: CMP R08,R06 (7906) ; Check if we are at the beginning of
gpubuf (last dword)
00F033CE: JUMP nz,(R19) (D261) ; if not, loop back to candlp to do
the next dword
00F033D0: CMP R04,R03 (7883) ; delay slot, set up comparison
between other gpubuf counter
; maybe pointless if we jump,
but used for the jump below
00F033D2: MOVE R07,R08 (88E8) ; copy end of GPUBuf back into the
work pointer
00F033D4: JUMP nz,(R20) (D281) ; If the outer loop is not finished,
then branch back to plierlp
00F033D6: CMP R06,R26 (78DA) ; delay slot, set up compare between
r6 and r26, matches first time (r6=gpubuf), fails
second (r6=decbuf)
; again, not used when we
branch, only if we don't
; this block basically lets us repeat the above code, but from decbuf to cubbuf,
; instead of from gpubuf to decbuf
00F033D8: MOVE R27,R13 (8B6D) ; copy byte count for new block back
into R13
00F033DA: JR nz,cubedone (00F033F6) (D5A1) ; if compare above was not equal, jump out of loop
00F033DC: ADD R27,R04 (0364) ; add byte count to R4 to push the
pointer back to the end of the buffer
00F033DE: MOVEI decbuf ($00F03044),R06 (9806) ; load decbuf pointer into R6 (changes the
compare above)
00F033E4: MOVEI cubbuf ($00F03110),R12 (980C) ; get a third buffer into R12 for work
00F033EA: MOVE R06,R07 (88C7) ; copy address of decbuf into r7
00F033EC: ADD R27,R13 (036D) ; add number of bytes to process back
into R13 for countdown
00F033EE: ADD R13,R07 (01A7) ; add r13 into r7 to get end of
00F033F0: ADD R27,R13 (036D) ; adds R27 to R13 again to ensure
it's double what is needed
00F033F2: JUMP (R28) (D380) ; branch back to multlp to do it one
more time!
00F033F4: SHARQ $2,R13 (6C4D) ; delay slot - divide R13 by 4 to get
word count
; now we're done the first pass, work with the public key
00F033F6: MOVEI cubbuf ($00F03110),R03 (9803) ; get address of cubbuf into r3
00F033FC: MOVEI decbuf ($00F03044),R04 (9804) ; get address of decbuf into r4
00F03402: MOVEI keybuf ($00F031DC),R08 (9808) ; get address of keybuf into r8
00F03408: MOVE R03,R14 (886E) ; cache cubbuf in r14
00F0340A: MOVE R04,R15 (888F) ; cache decbuf in r15
00F0340C: MOVEQ 0,R01 (8C01) ; load zero into r1 for indexing
00F0340E: LOAD (R14+R01),R13 (E82D) ; get data from cubbuf into r13
00F03410: STORE R18,(R15+R01) (F432) ; write a zero into the corresponding
part of decbuf
00F03412: OR R13,R13 (29AD) ; test the read data
00F03414: JR z,msbcheck (00F0340E) (D782) ; if we read zero, loop around again
00F03416: ADDQ $4,R01 (0881) ; delay slot - add 4 to index in r1
00F03418: MOVE R27,R06 (8B66) ; load the byte count into r6
00F0341A: SUBQ $4,R01 (1881) ; subtract 4 from index in r1 (last
word written)
00F0341C: ADD R27,R06 (0366) ; add byte count again to R6 (now
00F0341E: SUB R01,R06 (1026) ; subtract the count into the buffer
(should return it to the same value here?)
00F03420: SHLQ $3,R06 (63A6) ; multiply the count by 8 (should be
340 now?)
00F03422: MOVEI G_RAM ($00F03000),R14 (980E) ; load R14 with first address of GPU RAM
00F03428: ADD R01,R04 (0024) ; add r1 index to get R4 to point to
end of decbuf
00F0342A: ADD R01,R03 (0023) ; add r1 index to get R3 to point to
end of cubbuf
00F0342C: ADD R01,R08 (0028) ; add r1 index to get R8 to point to
end of keybuf
00F0342E: MOVE R04,R15 (888F) ; copy address of end of decbuf to
00F03430: SUBQ $4,R15 (188F) ; decrement r15 by 4 to get last
valid data in decbuf
00F03432: MOVEQ 0,R16 (8C10) ; load 0 in R16 for index
00F03434: ADD R13,R13 (01AD) ; double R13 (contains read data)
00F03436: JR nc,msbit (00F03434) (D7C4) ; loop until it produces a carry
00F03438: ADDQ $1,R16 (0830) ; delay slot - increment r16 (index)
each loop
00F0343A: MOVEQ 26,R07 (8F47) ; load R7 with '26'
00F0343C: MOVEI noshift ($00F0347C),R23 (9817) ; load address of noshift to R23
00F03442: SUB R16,R07 (1207) ; subtract the calculated index from
00F03444: JUMP c,(R23) (D2E8) ; if index was less than 26(?), jump
to noshift
00F03446: ADDQ $1,R07 (0827) ; increment r7 (26-index)
00F03448: ADD R07,R06 (00E6) ; add to modified byte count (which
will subtract the negative value)
00F0344A: NEG R07 (2007) ; make new index positive
00F0344C: MOVEQ 0,R23 (8C17) ; load 0 into R23
00F0344E: NOT R23 (3017) ; and invert it to get $ffffffff
00F03450: SH R07,R23 (5CF7) ; shift (right) by r7 bits, giving a
00F03452: MOVE R23,R22 (8AF6) ; save mask in r22
00F03454: NOT R22 (3016) ; invert R22 to get the opposite mask
00F03456: MOVEQ 0,R01 (8C01) ; load 0 into R1 for index
00F03458: LOAD (R14+R01),R16 (E830) ; load key from beginning of G_RAM
into R16
00F0345A: ROR R07,R16 (70F0) ; roll bits right by r7 bits
00F0345C: ADDQ $4,R01 (0881) ; increment r1 index by 4
00F0345E: LOAD (R14+R01),R17 (E831) ; load next dword of key into R17
00F03460: ROR R07,R17 (70F1) ; roll this data by R7 bits, too
00F03462: MOVE R17,R13 (8A2D) ; save data in R13
00F03464: AND R22,R17 (26D1) ; mask high bits of data read
00F03466: AND R23,R13 (26ED) ; mask low bits of data read
00F03468: OR R17,R16 (2A30) ; merge high bits into first read
00F0346A: CMP R01,R27 (783B) ; compare index against max byte
count (68)
00F0346C: STORE R16,(R15+R01) (F430) ; save resulting data into decbuf
00F0346E: JR nz,shiftlp (00F0345C) (D6C1) ; if still bytes to process, loop
00F03470: MOVE R13,R16 (89B0) ; delay slot, copy low bits of data
into r16
00F03472: OR R16,R16 (2A10) ; done loop, test r16
00F03474: JR z,finish0 (00F03488) (D522) ; if zero, jump to finish0
00F03476: NOP (E400) ; delay slot
00F03478: JR finish0 (00F03488) (D4E0) ; otherwise(!) jump to finish0 anyway
00F0347A: STORE R16,(R15+R01) (F430) ; delay slot, save data into decbuf
; This block is run when the index indicates no shifting (zeros?)
00F0347C: MOVEQ 0,R01 (8C01) ; load zero into R1 for index
00F0347E: LOAD (R14+R01),R13 (E82D) ; load dword from key into R13
00F03480: ADDQ $4,R01 (0881) ; increment index by 4
00F03482: CMP R27,R01 (7B61) ; check if we have processed 68 bytes
00F03484: JR nz,copkey (00F0347E) (D781) ; if not yet, loop
00F03486: STORE R13,(R15+R01) (F42D) ; delay slot, write data to decbuf
; At this point, decbuf either has the raw public key, or a processed copy of the key
00F03488: MOVE R15,R05 (89E5) ; copy address of decbuf to R5
00F0348A: MOVE R03,R14 (886E) ; copy end address of cubbuf to R14
00F0348C: ADD R01,R05 (0025) ; add index to R5 to get end of
00F0348E: MOVE R08,R15 (890F) ; copy end address of keybuf to r15
00F03490: ADD R27,R14 (036E) ; add '68' to get further into cubbuf
00F03492: MOVE R27,R01 (8B61) ; copy 68 into R1 for index
00F03494: ADD R27,R15 (036F) ; add '68' to get further into keybuf
00F03496: ADD R27,R01 (0361) ; add '68' to double R1 index
00F03498: SUBQ $4,R01 (1881) ; decrement index by 4
00F0349A: LOAD (R14+R01),R13 (E82D) ; load data? from cubbuf into r13
00F0349C: JR nn,altcopy (00F03498) (D7B4) ; loop if data not negative
00F0349E: STORE R13,(R15+R01) (F42D) ; delay slot, store data in keybuf
00F034A0: MOVEI divloop ($00F034B0),R07 (9807) ; store address of divloop in r7
00F034A6: MOVEI doritesh ($00F034E6),R12 (980C) ; store address of doritesh in r12
00F034AC: MOVE R04,R14 (888E) ; copy end of decbuf buffer to r14
??these must be start of buffer??
00F034AE: MOVE R03,R15 (886F) ; copy end of cubbuf buffer to r15
00F034B0: LOAD (R14),R13 (A5CD) ; load data from decbuf into r13
00F034B2: LOAD (R15),R16 (A5F0) ; load data from cubbuf into r16
00F034B4: CMP R13,R16 (79B0) ; compare the two read dwords
00F034B6: JUMP c,(R12) (D188) ; if decbuf data is larger(?), jump
to doritesh
00F034B8: OR R13,R16 (29B0) ; delay slot, merge decbuf data into
cubbuf data
; cubbuf data was larger(?check my compare?)
00F034BA: JR nz,skiplfm (00F034C6) (D4A1) ; result of the or, if not zero, jump to
00F034BC: MOVE R05,R01 (88A1) ; delay slot - copy end address of
decbuf into r1
00F034BE: ADDQ $4,R14 (088E) ; increment decbuf address by 4
00F034C0: ADDQ $4,R15 (088F) ; increment cubbuf address by 4
00F034C2: JR divloop (00F034B0) (D6C0) ; jump back up to divloop
00F034C4: ADDQ $4,R08 (0888) ; delay sloy, increment keybuf
address by 4
00F034C6: SUB R14,R01 (11C1) ; subtract decbuf address from r1
index (is it zero?)
00F034C8: MOVE R08,R09 (8909) ; copy address of end of keybuf to r9
00F034CA: ADD R01,R09 (0029) ; add resulting negative(?) value to
get... an address?
00F034CC: LOAD (R14+R01),R13 (E82D) ; load data from decbuf into r13
00F034CE: LOAD (R15+R01),R16 (EC30) ; load data from cubbuf into r16
00F034D0: SUBC R13,R16 (15B0) ; subtract (with carry from above)
decbuf from cubbuf
00F034D2: STORE R16,(R09) (BD30) ; store result at resulting address
(in keybuf?)
00F034D4: ADDC R18,R18 (0652) ; get carry into R18 (was 0)
00F034D6: SUBQ $4,R01 (1881) ; decrement index by 4
00F034D8: SUBQT $4,R09 (1C89) ; decrement (no flags) buffer index
by 4
00F034DA: JR nn,subloop (00F034CC) (D714) ; if main index not negative, branch back to
00F034DC: SHARQ $1,R18 (6C32) ; delay slot, shift r18 right (shifts
carry back into status flag)
00F034DE: JR c,doritesh (00F034E6) (D468) ; if bit was set (ie: the decbuf data was less than
cubbuf), branch
00F034E0: MOVE R08,R09 (8909) ; delay slot, load end address of
keybuf into r9
; This lets us work swap the buffers we work on
00F034E2: MOVE R15,R08 (89E8) ; copy end address of cubbuf to R8
00F034E4: MOVE R09,R15 (892F) ; copy end address of keybuf to r15
00F034E6: MOVE R14,R09 (89C9) ; copy end address of decbuf to R9
(?still wrong, must be start?)
00F034E8: MOVEQ 0,R16 (8C10) ; load zero in R16
00F034EA: MOVEQ 0,R18 (8C12) ; load zero in r18
00F034EC: LOAD (R09),R13 (A52D) ; read data from decbuf into r13
00F034EE: SHRQ $1,R13 (642D) ; divide read data by 2
00F034F0: ADDC R18,R18 (0652) ; get shifted bit into R18 from carry
00F034F2: OR R16,R13 (2A0D) ; or r16 (initially 0) into remaining
00F034F4: STORE R13,(R09) (BD2D) ; save result back into decbuf
00F034F6: MOVE R18,R16 (8A50) ; copy the lsb into r16
00F034F8: RORQ $1,R16 (7430) ; roll bit around to msb
00F034FA: CMP R05,R09 (78A9) ; see if we are at the end of decbuf
00F034FC: JR c,nextrite (00F034EA) (D6C8) ; loop if not done yet
00F034FE: ADDQ $4,R09 (0889) ; delay slot, increment decbuf
pointer by 4
00F03500: OR R16,R16 (2A10) ; test r16 (contains carry bit in
00F03502: JR z,skiprtm (00F0350A) (D462) ; if zero, jump to skiptrm
00F03504: MOVEQ 0,R18 (8C12) ; delay slot, load 0 in R18
00F03506: STORE R16,(R09) (BD30) ; store carry bit into decbuf
00F03508: MOVE R09,R05 (8925) ; copy address into r5
00F0350A: SUBQ $1,R06 (1826) ; decrement r6 (byte count)
00F0350C: JUMP nn,(R07) (D0F4) ; if not negative, loop back to
00F0350E: NOP (E400) ; delay slot
00F03510: MOVEFA R00,R17 (9411) ; get checksum into r17
00F03512: MOVEFA R01,R14 (942E) ; get address of 'startcode' into r14
00F03514: MOVEFA R02,R07 (9447) ; get block count from cart into r7
00F03516: MOVE R27,R01 (8B61) ; get '68' into r1 for index
00F03518: MOVEI $000000FF,R22 (9816) ; get byte mask into r22
00F0351E: MOVEQ 4,R02 (8C82) ; load '4' into R2 for byte count
00F03520: SUBQ $4,R01 (1881) ; subtract 4 from r1 index byte
00F03522: MOVEQ 0,R16 (8C10) ; load 0 into r16 for work
00F03524: LOAD (R15+R01),R13 (EC2D) ; read word from keybuf or cubbuf
(depends on above)
00F03526: ADD R13,R17 (01B1) ; add data into checksum
00F03528: RORQ $18,R16 (7710) ; rotate work register by three bytes
(so msB is in lsB)
00F0352A: AND R22,R17 (26D1) ; mask checksum so we have just the
one byte
00F0352C: OR R17,R16 (2A30) ; or into work register
00F0352E: SUBQ $1,R02 (1822) ; decrement byte count
00F03530: JR nz,rollong (00F03526) (D741) ; while not zero, loop
00F03532: RORQ $8,R13 (750D) ; delay slot, rotate read data for
next byte
00F03534: ADDQ $4,R14 (088E) ; increment startcode address by 4
(because we inc first, data starts at bootII)
00F03536: CMPQ $4,R01 (7C81) ; check if R1 is down to last 4 bytes
00F03538: JR nz,nextrol (00F0351E) (D641) ; if not, loop back to nextrol
00F0353A: STORE R16,(R14) (BDD0) ; delay slot, save work register at
startcode address
; done the checksum loop
00F0353C: MOVETA R17,R00 (9220) ; store the new checksum byte
00F0353E: MOVETA R14,R01 (91C1) ; store the new write address from
00F03540: ADDQ $1,R07 (0827) ; increment the cart block count
00F03542: MOVEQ 21,R17 (8EB1) ; load '21' into r17
00F03544: LOAD (R15),R13 (A5ED) ; load data from keybuf/cubbuf
(depends on above setup)
00F03546: CMP R13,R17 (79B1) ; compare read data against block
00F03548: JR nz,cartbad (00F03560) (D561) ; checksum doesn't match, jump
00F0354A: AND R22,R07 (26C7) ; delay slot, mask block count to one
00F0354C: JUMP nz,(R29) (D3A1) ; if not done, jump back to blkloop
to load the next block
00F0354E: MOVETA R07,R02 (90E2) ; delay slot, store remaining block
; At this point, all blocks are read successfully and written starting at 'startcode'
; all checksums have passed. The only failure so far is if the checksum failed
00F03550: MOVEI magic1 ($ABCDEFFF),R04 (9804) ; Get magic value into R4
; This token is used as a stopping point when wiping GPU RAM
; after the cartridge test (on success or failure!)
00F03556: MOVEI G_RAM ($00F03000),R02 (9802) ; get address of GPU RAM start in R2 (place
to write token)
00F0355C: JR cartgood (00F0356C) (D4E0) ; branch ahead to good processing
00F0355E: NOP (E400) ; delay slot
00F03560: MOVEI magic2 ($12345678),R04 (9804) ; get magic value into R4
00F03566: MOVEI bootII ($00F035AC),R02 (9802) ; Get address of decrypted block into R2
(place to write token)
; Both 'good' and 'bad' routines come into this block of code
00F0356C: MOVE R04,R03 (8883) ; copy magic value
00F0356E: MOVEI G_RAM ($00F03000),R00 (9800) ; Get base of GPU RAM into R0
00F03574: MOVEI erastop ($00F03556),R01 (9801) ; Get address of erastop into R1 so we know
when to stop!
; This block destroys GPU memory up to 'erastop', to make it
; harder to reverse the decryption code. In the case of a
; bad checksum, it also destroys the decrypted data. One thing
; of note is that the magic value in R3 is only written
; to the first address, the rest of the writes will be zeros.
00F0357A: STORE R03,(R00) (BC03) ; write value at R0 (G_RAM)
00F0357C: STORE R03,(R02) (BC43) ; also write at R2 (either G_RAM or
00F0357E: ADDQ $4,R00 (0880) ; Increment both pointers by 4
00F03580: ADDQ $4,R02 (0882)
00F03582: CMP R01,R00 (7820) ; check if R0 > limit (erastop), loop
if not!
00F03584: JR c,cartclr (00F0357A) (D748) ; loop
00F03586: MOVEQ 0,R03 (8C03) ; delay slot, clears R3 so subsequent
writes are 0
; Memory overwrite complete
00F03588: OR R04,R04 (2884) ; check if the original magic value
was negative ($abcdefff is!)
00F0358A: JR n,bootIIa (00F0359A) (D4F8) ; If so, jump ahead to start the decrypted
00F0358C: MOVEQ 0,R03 (8C03) ; delay slot, clr R3 (which should
already be 0...)
; Here, we have given up on the boot, and need to halt the GPU so the 68k will see that.
00F0358E: MOVEI G_CTRL ($00F02114),R31 (981F) ; Get the address of G_CTRL
00F03594: STORE R03,(R31) (BFE3) ; write the 0 in R3 to G_CTRL, which
will stop the GPU
00F03596: JR gameover (00F03594) (D7C0) ; wait for it to take effect
00F03598: NOP (E400) ; delay slot
; If we reach here, we are happy with the code we decrypted
; so we go ahead and dive into it. These parameters set up
; addresses to swap that lets the decrypted code verify
; itself (a prevention of running games on clone hardware?)
; These parameters only mean anything if the encrypted code
; uses them (and Atari's encrypted code does - both standard
; and universal 'AB')
00F0359A: MOVEI swapaddr1 ($00F03668),R08 (9808) ; first address to swap in decrypted code
00F035A0: MOVEI swapaddr2 ($00F035D0),R25 (9819) ; second address to swap in decrypted code
00F035A6: MOVEQ 16,R09 (8E09) ; The number 16 in R9
00F035A8: SHLQ $2,R09 (63C9) ; multiply R9 by 4 (to get 64), step
for first address (second is fixed to 4)
00F035AA: MOVEQ 8,R05 (8D05) ; Store '8' in R5, number of swaps to
; Disassembly of the standard cartridge header - normally encrypted!
; This code is decrypted from the cartridge and then runs.
; The universal type AB header has just a few difference which I will note inline
; I will also note areas known to be hard patched by the encryption tool
; ('encryption tool') or the JagCD BIOS ('JagCD')
; This first block here swaps the instructions at the specified addresses
; The Jaguar BIOS specified the addresses and count, so it's possible this code won't
; run without the swap occuring, thus making it even harder to reverse the console
; or run a clone system (except that you can bypass all this code... but that
; was probably the intent).
; The code below is deswapped. The list of addresses swapped by default are:
; 00f03668 00f035d0
; 00f036A8 00f035d4
; 00f036E8 00f035d8
; 00f03728 00f035dc
; 00f03768 00f035e0
; 00f037a8 00f035e4
; 00f037e8 00f035e8
; 00f03828 00f035ec
; Note each swap is 4 bytes, so usually two instructions
; decrypted GPU code is placed here and then executed if the checksums matched.
; Interesting data, on entry the flags are all reset (thanks to the SHLQ of a constant value above!)
; Note that the JagCD skips this block and enters at the hash start. Thus it does
; the descramble itself?
00F035AC: LOAD (R08),R00 (A500) ; read from R8 (initially $0f03668)
into r0
00F035AE: LOAD (R25),R02 (A722) ; read from R25 (initially $0f035d0)
into r2
00F035B0: STORE R00,(R25) (BF20) ; write value from r8 into r25
00F035B2: STORE R02,(R08) (BD02) ; write value from r25 into r8
00F035B4: ADD R09,R08 (0128) ; add R9 (set to 64 by bios) to R8
00F035B6: SUBQ $1,R05 (1825) ; subtract 1 from r5 (loop counter,
set to 8 by bios)
00F035B8: JR nz,bootII (00F035AC) (D721) ; if not zero yet, jump back to continue
00F035BA: ADDQ $4,R25 (0899) ; delay slot, add 4 to R25
; NOTE: The code below is all POST descramble (ie: the code block above has already run!)
00F035BC: MOVEI hashstart ($00F035F4),R02 (9802) ; load jump address in R2
00F035C2: MOVEI md5buf ($00F036FC),R07 (9807) ; load work buffer address in R7
00F035C8: JUMP (R02) (D040) ; jump to hashstart
00F035CA: NOP (E400) ; delay slot
; this data should be different on every cartridge.
; The 128-bit MD5 hash is stored in here, but the entire
; byte block is scrambled because that is the size of
; an encrypted header block. There's no used code in
; these unused blocks, so they can be considered random.
; This entire area is modified by the encryption tool and
; should not contain code if you use that.
0F035CC: bss 20 ; random data
00F035E0: dc.l $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000 ; actual hash depends on cartridge
00F035F0: bss 8 ; random data
; This does an MD5 hash of the cart from $8002c0 to $A00000 (on a 2MB cart)
; This is also where the JagCD enters!
; Before the JagCD enters, it relocates MOVEIs from GPU to DSP addresses
; The affected data is at (using the GPU addresses):
; F035F6, F03626, F0362C, F036FC, F03748, F03794, F037E0, F036CA
; (Not 100% sure the last one is done, but it should be). Note that the comments
; in the original says 5 MOVEIs, and the code confusingly compares against
; the number five, but in truth there are 8 (maybe 7) relocations. In RSAM.DAS
; this table is at relotab and the code is around it.
; Note that only the first four relocations seem meaningful! Not sure if the
; rest are meant as obfuscation or what...
; Remember, of course, that the DSP RAM is at $F1B000, not $F03000, so
; all offsets in there vary appropriately.
00F035F4: MOVEI packbuf ($00F0382C),R21 (9815) ; load packbuf into R21 (JagCD patches this
MOVEI data to DSP RAM)
00F035FA: MOVEQ 31,R11 (8FEB) ; store '31' into R11 (half of one
MD5 operation)
00F035FC: MOVE R11,R22 (8976) ; copy count into R22
00F035FE: ADD R22,R22 (02D6) ; and double it
00F03600: MOVEI md5first ($008002C0),R15 (980F) ; cartridge memory after encrypted section? in R15
(patched by encryption tool!)
00F03606: MOVEI md5last ($00A00000),R10 (980A) ; limit in R10 (note: 4MB header has $00c0000
here) (patched by encryption tool!)
00F0360C: MOVEI md5hash0 ($67452301),R16 (9810) ; MD5 hash 0 in R16
00F03612: MOVEI md5hash1 ($EFCDAB89),R17 (9811) ; MD5 hash 1 in R17
00F03618: MOVEI md5hash2 ($98BADCFE),R18 (9812) ; MD5 hash 2 in R18
00F0361E: MOVEI md5hash3 ($10325476),R19 (9813) ; MD5 hash 3 in R19
00F03624: MOVEI md5second ($00F0364C),R24 (9818) ; load address of inner loop in R24 (JagCD patches
this MOVEI data to DSP RAM)
00F0362A: MOVEI md5first ($00F03630),R20 (9814) ; load address of outer loop in R20 (JagCD patches
this MOVEI data to DSP RAM)
00F03630: MOVE R07,R08 (88E8) ; copy address of md5buf to R8
00F03632: MOVE R21,R14 (8AAE) ; copy address of packbuf to r14
00F03634: MOVEQ 16,R09 (8E09) ; load value 16 into R9 for index
00F03636: LOAD (R15),R00 (A5E0) ; get value from cartridge into R0
00F03638: ADDQ $4,R15 (088F) ; increment cart address by 4
00F0363A: STORE R00,(R14) (BDC0) ; store data into packbuf
00F0363C: SUBQ $1,R09 (1829) ; decrement index counter
00F0363E: JR nz,rdloop (00F03636) (D761) ; if not zero, keep reading (so we read 16
dwords or 64 bytes)
00F03640: ADDQT $4,R14 (0C8E) ; delay slot, increment packbuf ptr
by 4
00F03642: MOVE R16,R26 (8A1A) ; copy md5h0 to r26
00F03644: MOVE R17,R27 (8A3B) ; copy md5h1 to r27
00F03646: MOVE R18,R28 (8A5C) ; copy md5h2 to r28
00F03648: MOVE R19,R29 (8A7D) ; copy md5h3 to r29
00F0364A: MOVE R21,R14 (8AAE) ; set r14 back to beginning of
00F0364C: LOAD (R08),R06 (A506) ; read from md5buf table (will get
continue address md5con $F03664)
00F0364E: ADDQ $4,R08 (0888) ; increment work pointer by 4
00F03650: LOAD (R08),R04 (A504) ; read next dword from md5buf
00F03652: ADDQ $4,R08 (0888) ; increment work pointer by 4
00F03654: MOVE R04,R03 (8883) ; copy data 2 to R3
00F03656: AND R11,R03 (2563) ; mask it with 31 ($1f)
00F03658: RORQ $10,R04 (7604) ; swap low and high words of original
data 2
00F0365A: AND R11,R04 (2564) ; again, mask this one with 31 ($1f)
00F0365C: LOAD (R08),R05 (A505) ; read next dword from md5buf into R5
00F0365E: ADDQ $4,R08 (0888) ; increment work pointer by 4
00F03660: JUMP (R06) (D0C0) ; jumps to first read address - will
be md5con $F03664 (ie: next)
00F03662: MOVEQ 16,R09 (8E09) ; delay slot, reload R9 countdown
index with 16 dwords
00F03664: MOVE R27,R00 (8B60) ; copy md5h1 to R0
00F03666: MOVE R27,R01 (8B61) ; copy md5h1 to R1
00F03668: AND R28,R00 (2780) ; 'and' R0 copy with hash2
00F0366A: NOT R01 (3001) ; invert R1 copy
00F0366C: JR lbl3 (00F0367A) (D4C0) ; jump ahead
00F0366E: AND R29,R01 (27A1) ; delay slot, 'and' inverted copy
with hash3
; This block is consistent in all headers I looked at, but seems to never
; be executed or read as data... was it test code?
00F03670: MOVE R29,R00 (8BA0)
00F03672: MOVE R29,R01 (8BA1)
00F03674: AND R27,R00 (2760)
00F03676: NOT R01 (3001)
00F03678: AND R28,R01 (2781)
00F0367A: JR lbl4 (00F0368E) (D520) ; jump again (more obfuscation?)
00F0367C: OR R01,R00 (2820) ; delay slot, merge hashed R1 to
hashed R0
; This block is consistent in all headers I looked at, but seems to never
; be executed or read as data... was it test code?
00F0367E: MOVE R29,R00 (8BA0)
00F03680: XOR R27,R00 (2F60)
00F03682: JR lbl4 (00F0368E) (D4A0)
00F03684: XOR R28,R00 (2F80)
00F03686: MOVE R29,R00 (8BA0)
00F03688: NOT R00 (3000)
00F0368A: OR R27,R00 (2B60)
00F0368C: XOR R28,R00 (2F80)
00F0368E: LOAD (R14+R03),R01 (E861) ; get data from packbuf plus data2
(masked) offset into R1
00F03690: ADD R04,R03 (0083) ; add top word of data2 to R3
00F03692: ADD R01,R00 (0020) ; add read data into R0 work hash
00F03694: LOAD (R08),R01 (A501) ; read next dword from md5buf into r1
00F03696: AND R22,R03 (26C3) ; mask R3 to 62 ($3e)
00F03698: ADD R01,R00 (0020) ; add read data 4 to R0 work hash
00F0369A: ADDQ $4,R08 (0888) ; increment md5buf work pointer by 4
00F0369C: ADD R26,R00 (0340) ; add md5h0 to R0 work hash
00F0369E: MOVE R05,R12 (88AC) ; copy md5buf data 3 to R12
00F036A0: RORQ $8,R05 (7505) ; roll R5 (md5buf data 3) right by
one byte
00F036A2: AND R11,R12 (256C) ; mask md5buf data 3 original to 31
00F036A4: ROR R12,R00 (7180) ; rotate right R0 work hash by result
00F036A6: ADD R27,R00 (0360) ; add md5h1 into R0 work hash
00F036A8: SUBQ $1,R09 (1829) ; decrement R9 (dword counter) by 1
00F036AA: MOVE R29,R26 (8BBA) ; copy md5h3 into r26 (overwriting
00F036AC: MOVE R28,R29 (8B9D) ; copy md5h2 into r29 (overwriting
00F036AE: MOVE R27,R28 (8B7C) ; copy md5h1 into r28 (overwriting
00F036B0: JUMP nz,(R06) (D0C1) ; if the dword counter did not reach
0, loop back to md5con (note hashes changed!)
00F036B2: MOVE R00,R27 (881B) ; delay slot, move R0 work hash into
R27 (overwriting md5h1)
00F036B4: CMP R08,R21 (7915) ; check if R8 equals packbuf
00F036B6: JUMP nz,(R24) (D301) ; if not (not on first entry), jump
back to md5second
00F036B8: NOP (E400) ; delay slot
00F036BA: ADD R26,R16 (0350) ; add md5h0 (except not really
anymore) to original md5h0
00F036BC: ADD R27,R17 (0371) ; add md5h1 (except not really
anymore) to original md5h1
00F036BE: ADD R28,R18 (0392) ; add md5h2 (except not really
anymore) to original md5h2
00F036C0: ADD R29,R19 (03B3) ; add md5h3 (except not really
anymore) to original md5h3
00F036C2: CMP R10,R15 (794F) ; check if we are done reading the
cartridge yet
00F036C4: JUMP c,(R20) (D288) ; if not, jump to md5first
00F036C6: MOVE R07,R08 (88E8) ; delay slot, reset md5buf work
00F036C8: MOVEI cartbad ($00F03560),R06 (9806) ; store address of cartbad into R6
00F036CE: SUBQ $4,R25 (1899) ; subtract 4 bytes from swapaddr2 (to
get last swapped address)
;--- Standard Header ---
00F036D0: LOAD (R25),R00 (A720) ; read that data into R0 (from
md5hash+12 - 00f035ec)
00F036D2: CMP R19,R00 (7A60) ; compare against calculated hash
;-- Universal Header ---
00F036D0: JR skiptest (00F036EE) (D5C0) ; jump past md5 test
00F036D2: NOP (E400) ; delay slot
; this block is jumped over in the universal header
; test the 128 bit MD5 against what's in the cart header
00F036D4: JUMP nz,(R06) (D0C1) ; if md5hash does not match, jump to
cartbad routine
00F036D6: SUBQ $4,R25 (1899) ; delay slot, decrement swapaddr2 by
four again (only used if jump not taken)
00F036D8: LOAD (R25),R00 (A720) ; read data into R0 (from md5hash+8 -
00F036DA: CMP R18,R00 (7A40) ; compare against calculated hash
00F036DC: JUMP nz,(R06) (D0C1) ; if it does not match, jump to
00F036DE: SUBQ $4,R25 (1899) ; delay slot, decrement swapaddr2 by
four again (only used if jump not taken)
00F036E0: LOAD (R25),R00 (A720) ; read data into R0 (from md5hash+4 -
00F036E2: CMP R17,R00 (7A20) ; compare against calculated hash
00F036E4: JUMP nz,(R06) (D0C1) ; if it does not match, jump to
00F036E6: SUBQ $4,R25 (1899) ; delay slot, decrement swapaddr2 by
four again (only used if jump not taken)
00F036E8: LOAD (R25),R00 (A720) ; read data into R0 (from md5hash -
00F036EA: CMP R16,R00 (7A00) ; compare against calculated hash
00F036EC: JUMP nz,(R06) (D0C1) ; if it does not match, jump to
00F036EE: NOP (E400) ; target of universal skip, also
delay slot for above jump
00F036F0: ADDQ $6,R06 (08C6) ; add 6 to cartbad address (skips
loading bad magic value)
00F036F2: MOVEI $03D0DEAD,R04 (9804) ; puts new magic value into R4 - this
will release the 68k when written
00F036F8: JUMP (R06) (D0C0) ; jump back to write the tokens and
stop the GPU
00F036FA: NOP (E400) ; delay slot, do nothing
; More than a work buffer - this table is used to sort of script the
; MD5 hashing code. Note it comes from the encrypted cart data so isn't exploitable
; First value is address to continue execution at (obfs - it's the 'next' address after the jump)
; Second value, low byte (masked to $1f), offset in packbuf to process with hash first
; Second value, low byte of high word added to low byte (masked to $3e)
; third value, low byte is count to rotate work hash by (masked to $1f)
; fourth value, added directly to hash
; The first value (md5con) is patched by the JagCD BIOS into DSP RAM
00F036Fc: dc.l md5con ($00F03664),$00040000,$0A0F1419,$D76AA478
; The rest appears to be unused, but if you find it's needed I can add it
; there is actually data through to 00F0382A. If I misread above it may
; be used as part of the hashing as a continuation of the above table
00F0382C: (work buffer)
version 0.1 - 15 Mar 2008
-first release
version 0.2 - not released
-fixed comment on size of blocks around MD5HASH
version 0.3 - 15 Feb 2009
-added updates on JagCD boot and encryption tool patching
-Source for actual boot found on AtariHQ CD, should help understanding RSA in the future
Send updates to tursi via harmlesslion.com
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