Well, well, well... So you want to read a story, do you?
This is a collection of stories I've written and Never Ending Stories I was a part of in Ottawa,
as well as some logs from Roleplay on various Mucks, and even some documents I've written here and there.
These texts are all owned by ME
and may *not* be used for commercial purposes without contacting me.
IMPORTANT NOTE: characters whom are trademarks, and other legal properties, are owned by their
owners and these texts are not authorized, related, permitted, or associated with those owners.
They're fanfics, to use the common term. ;)
You might want to download the larger ones to your own hard drive and read them
offline. Sizes are approximate.
These are stand-alone tales, needless to say, or else they'd
be called two-shots (or maybe three- or more-shots). So when
you're feeling shot, give these stories a shot. Go ahead - bite
the bullet... :)
Night Reigns [MLP] (external site)
108k words 23 Jul 17
At this point this is my opus, a 100,000 word novel depicting the return of Princess Celestia after a decade of
'eternal' night and Nightmare Moon's solitary reign. Sunset Shimmer features rather than the mane six. I admit it gets
a little rough towards the end but I'm still pleased with it. Please thumbs up at the site if you enjoy it.
You can buy a print copy here!
You can download the E-Book (MOBI) here
Good Night, Luna [MLP] (external site)
1017 words 16 Jul 16
An ancient Luna reflects back on her very long life... I wanted to write what the conversation might go like when the
reaper comes to take Luna home. Please thumbs up at the site if you enjoy it.
To Choose the Light [MLP/TLK] (external site)
20k words 13 Feb 15
MLP and TLK crossover - when Nightmare Moon is banished to the Pridelands,
she teams up with Scar to help him rule. But can this possibly last? Please
thumbs up at the site if you enjoy it.
The First Night [MLP] (external site)
1020 words 26 Oct 13
Nine years since I posted something new... and this is MLP based. It's
Celestia's thoughts on her first night after defeating Nightmare Moon -
her sister Luna - and banishing her to the moon. Please thumbs up at the site
if you enjoy it.
Who Am I? [TLK]
263 words
I woke up in a poetic mood the other day, and wrote this simple
poem from Scar's point of view.
Scar is the bad guy from the Lion King and his actions should not
be imitated by children or small animals.
The Virus
135 words
A parody of Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven,
this one about a hacker who has lost his code and gets
a virus. (grins)
A little silly and contains a lot of the original old english.
The Stupid Quote File
31k words 21 Sep 13
Just like the title says, this is an archive of stupid,
silly, weird, and/or funny quotes. It was started by a friend
of mine, and has been added to by me for a year or two now...
Of course, he feels I've subverted the original point... ;)
contains coarse language and non-PC comments. That's why
they're in here.
And here are the tales so TALL, so MASSIVE, so astronomically HUGE,
and just generally large, I had to divide them up into sections! Okay, so a few
aren't really THAT big, but it feels good to say it... :)
Flipper's Oceanarium
Flipper's Oceanarium was a NES (Never-Ending Story) that ran on my BBS, FlipSide, in Ottawa (Canada)
for roughly 2 and a half-years. I was one of three main contributors, along with 'Phantom' and 'Feral Ferret'.
The story begins with Flipper, who is a morphic dolphin, opening his own Oceanarium, and goes from there.
The plot takes many odd twists, and the story is overall quite good, but impossible to summarize. The main
characters, at least at the beginning, are Flipper (the morphic dolphin), Carolina Snowball (albino morphic
dolphin, his girlfriend), Richard Steiner (a large, powerful man with a reality problem), and Mr. Pinrut
(a mechanical man with a turnip for a head who only wants to be a gardener. He later tries to take over
the universe.) It is broken up below, but each section carries on from the one immediately before it.
Thanks to the Fuzzy Platypus of Death (once known as Phantom), the entire story has been
beautifully cleaned up and formatted into MS-Word documents. You can download the entire collection
Entire story, cleaned up and formatted in MS-Word format
: Contains mature content and coarse language.
You can also buy a print copy here!
Super Space Acer
This is the instruction manual to a game I desig ned and wrote for theTI-99/4a
home computer... it's mostly storyline, explaining how Bob Shumway, day-dreaming janitor,
gets his chance to BE Super Space Acer for real. The second one is the sequel that I came up
with, but never got very far on. I am working on a deluxe version of this game at the moment,
which will eventually be for the PC.
Contains cheap science-fiction
Occasionally, I pretend to be technical and useful to the outside world. Here are some of
the documents that I've created while in that kind of mood. These are currently incorrectly
formatted, but this whole page is due for a rewrite. :)
TI Books
Not written by me, but a mirror of a comprehensive archive of TI-99/4A books I've been hosting since the
original author took it down.
Vectrex Multicart
1315 words
Document describes how to build a dip-switch based Vectrex multicart. And since ROM distribution
for the Vectrex is legal, it includes a pre-made ROM image with many games pre-loaded. :)
MAX233 Based Nokia Data Cable
871 words
Describes how to build a Nokia F-Bus Data cable with a Max233, which is simpler than
the Max232 circuit.
Dreamcast 'Coders Cable'
930 words
Describes how to build a Dreamcast serial interface cable for development using a Max233
instead of the harder to get Max3222.
OnHandPC MMP and MMV Format
704 words
A brief description of the Matsucom OnHandPC MMP and MMV image formats, or as much as I
needed to work out. ;)
ATX Power in a TI-99 PEB
906 words
Describes how I installed an ATX Power supply into my TI-99 Expansion Box.
Atari Jaguar GPU Boot Code Disassembly
6979 words (updated 15 Feb 09)
My attempt at documenting the Jaguar GPU boot code. This covers the decryption routine (although I
know I made mistakes in there), and the MD5 hashing code contained IN the decrypted block. It also
shows the difference between 2MB and 4Mb cart headers as well as the difference in the Universal
"AB" type header. Also notes on JagCD boot now added.
Modern Graphics on the 9918A
6459 words (updated 18 Nov 09)
I wrote this document in response to a call for articles for an
upcoming new TI magazine/newsletter. However, it appears that fell
through, and I was rather proud of this, so here it is. This describes
the techniques that my image converter uses, and the steps I used
to get there, as well as a basic discussion of image conversion in general.
3.5" floppies on the TI-99/4A
189 words (updated 18 Nov 09)
A quick discussion on the TI mailing list made it clear this information
wasn't posted anywhere centrally, everyone was just assumed to know it.
So I've compiled this simple list.
Two-chip 32k console mod for the TI-99/4A
7840 words (updated 27 Jul 16)
This is a documentation of the 32k mod I did on my console.
While not 16-bit, this mod is much simpler
to install.
(Update 7 Nov 14: fix pin from 74LS21 and verify Jameco parts - LS21 is 10c more than 2010.)
(Update 27 Jul 16: pin 21 from CY7C199 goes to the 74LS00 in pic, not 74LS74.)
Skunkboard Rev 2 High Voltage Mod
12k words
This demonstrates how to remove the high voltage 9v power feed on the Revision 2 Skunkboard
and replace it with the 5v supply, which increases reliability and support against over-spec
power supplies on the Atari Jaguar. It's recommended for all Rev 2 boards.
Dragon's Lair on the TI-99/4A
6MB Slides
This write-up summarizes the development of Dragon's Lair for the TI home computer.
It's a PDF export of the Slides document at
This page belongs to
just as the rest of the site does, but don't let
that frighten you. Just don't make any sudden movements
and you should be okay.. :)