A tool to test the normal layout, and some special layouts for the 9918A bitmap mode on the TI-99/4A.
Effects can be stacked, of course. Each key changes ONLY the register or mask listed below.
KEY EFFECT Reg Order of character sets on screen
1 - one pattern table (4 = 00, layout 111) 2 - two pattern tables (4 = 01, layout 121) 3 - two pattern tables (4 = 02, layout 112) 4 - three pattern tables(4 = 03, layout 123)
5 - one color table (mask 0, layout 111) 6 - two color tables (mask 1, layout 121) 7 - two color tables (mask 2, layout 112) 8 - three color tables (mask 3, layout 123)
9 - sprites on 0 - sprites off
A - 8 characters (mask 00) B - 16 characters (mask 01) C - 32 characters (mask 03) D - 64 characters (mask 07) E - 128 characters (mask 0F) F - 256 characters (mask 1F) G - 16 chars unusual (mask 02) H - 16 chars unusual (mask 04)
Character and table masks are both in register 3. The character count is per pattern table.
Sprites lay out 6 sprites, 5-10. Sprites move vertically and horizontally so that effects can be observed. In each of the groups 5-7 (no effect from masking) and 8-10 (are affected by masking), two move horizontally (one fully within the zone and one straddling a boundary) and one moves vertically.