POPULATION LEVELS OF DIFFERENT WHALE SPECIES AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION (Sources: IWC; 1994. Oceanus; Spring, 1989. NMFS; Endangered Whales Status Update; June 1991) ________________________________________________________________ Population Estimates Listing Species Original : Latest US / IUCN*** Level : Level Govt.* ________________________________________________________________ Blue Whale**** 228,000: 14,000 Severely /Endangered Depleted Fin Whale**** 548,000: 120,000 Severely /Vulnerable Depleted N. Atlantic Fin 78,020 /Vulnerable Sei Whale**** 256,000: 54,000 Severely /Vulnerable Depleted Bowhead 30,000: 7,500 Severely /Vulnerable Whale**** Depleted Sperm Whale**** 2,400,000:1,950,000 At or Above /Insufficiently OSP***** Known Right Whale**** --- : 1,000 Severely /Endangered (North Atlantic) Depleted (Southern 100,000: 3,000 Severely /Vulnerable Hemisphere) Depleted Humpback 115,000: 10,000 Severely /Vulnerable Whale**** Depleted Gray Whale**** >20,000: 21,000 Recovered /Unclassified Bryde's Whale*** 100,000: 90,000 Not Listed /Insufficiently Known Minke Whale 140,000: 941,240** Not Listed /Insufficiently Known Atlantic Pilot Whale 780,000 Not Listed Not Listed ________________________________________________________________ *According to the recent announcement by NMFS, US Dept. of Commerce. **Including 761,000 in the Southern Hemisphere estimated by IWC/SC in 1990, re-affirmed in 1993. ***Status quoted from the IUCN Red Data Book, 'Dolphins, Porpoises and Whales of the World', 1991. ****Oceanus, spring 1989 *****Optimum Sustainable Pop.The whale currently hunted by Norway (and Japan) is the minke whale. The number of minke whales in the North-East Atlantic is estimated to 87000 (with a 95% confidence interval of +-20000). From the models of the scientific committee of the Int'l Whaling Commision this results in an annual ecologically safe catch quota of approx 800. The total quota for '94 (and for '95) is 301.
Simen Gaure, Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo