Through such studies, we have discovered that the dolphins form long-term bonds and learn, as young calves, by doing things with their mothers and other dolphins. A calf nurses for up to three years, although it practises chasing and catching bottom fish before 6 months of age. At 3 to 5 years, it leaves its mother when she gives birth to another calf. The juvenile joins a group of the same sex for four or five years. These juveniles, sometimes supervised by an adult, go on hunting expeditions but typically stay on the sidelines, watching. A youngster occasionally returns to its mother to interact with her and her new calf. the females mature at age 6 or more, the males at about age 15.
Stenella frontalis
Size: 1.8 to 2.2 m, 110 kg
Calves at birth: 88 to 120 cm
Teeth: 29 to 34 small, sharp-pointed teeth on each side of upper
jaw, 33 to 36 teeth on each side of lower jaw
Food: Various small fish species and squid
Habitat: Mainly offshore waters, sometimes coastal
Range: Tropical, subtropical and warm temperate Atlantic
Status: Population unknown