Structure/function Human Dolphin
------------------ ------------------ ----------------------
Bodies Mammalian: head, Mammalian: neutral
hands, arms, legs, buoyancy, swimming
manipulatory, adaptations, head,
walking, running flippers, flukes:
in-air adapations: streamlined shape
nonstreamlined shape
Brains 900-1,800 grams: 1,000-6,000 grams:
1400 grams average; present size 25
present size 0.1 million years.
million years. Predominatly
Predominatly associational
associational cerebral cortex.
cerebral cortex.
Locomotion Discontinuous, Free dive limit
with sleep periods continuous process:
interrupting; no moving to surface for
movement for long every breath, swimming
periods. Maximum 24 hrs/day whole life.
velocity about 18 Average 5 knots:Max
knots running. velocity about 30
Sexuality Carefully Free expression:
regulated: can take voluntary erection of
place at any time. penis in males. Can
Ritualized clothing, take place at any
behaviour, male vs. time. Fertilization
female. at time to give birth
during warm season.
Birth and Gestation 9 months. 12 months gestation.
Reproduction Birth into air. Underwater birth.
Respiration Always available air: Air must be sought
automatic continuance at surface; must wake
during unconsciousness, up for every breath;
sleep, anesthesia. no automatic
continuance in sleep,
Nutrition Plants, animals: Fish, shrimp, squid:
predigestion by cooking. raw (no cooking)
Circulation Upright position Horizontal, buoyancy
adaptation: no rete adaptation rete
mirabile mirabile for emergency
brain functioning.
Communication Outputs: 2 sources Outputs: adapted to
with sequence control: underwater emission:
Air-speech; written 3 sources independent
materials control. Underwater
Inputs: ears adapted sound communication;
to air: azimuth and no written forms.
elevation detection: Sound emission for
scanning. ranging, recognition
and orientation.
Inputs: ears adapted
to underwater azimuth
and elevation:
Evolution: Evolved from prehuman Evolved from
forms over last predolphin forms last
million years. 50 million years.
Organization: Economic exploitation Total interspecies
of ecology: financial interdependence; in
records rule. ecological harmony.
Ethics: Human-centered: no Dependence on others:
other species directed. no aggressivity, no
hostile attacks.
Nonbrain, Outside Human reality None.
Records: constructed in written
Gonads: Male: external testes, Male: internal testes,
external penis. internal penis.
Female: internal Female: internal
ovaries, interal ovaries, internal
uterus. uterus.
Mating: Male erection: Male erection:
involuntary. voluntary.
Female estrus: Female estrus:
monthly monthly (?)
Copulation: Copulation:
voluntary, any time voluntary, any time
Insemination: Insemination:
depends on fertility depends on fertility
cycle in female: cycle in female:
sperm -} egg. sperm -} egg.
Gestation: 9 months. 12 months.
Intrauterine embryo, Intrauterine embryo,
placentation. placentation.
Embryo -} fetus -} Embryo -} fetus -}
birth. birth.
Birth and Uterine fetus -} Uterine fetus -}
First Breath: baby in canal -} baby in canal -}
air-gravity environment. seawater buoyant
First breath in air environment. For first
surrounding body. No breath must reach air
need for immediate at seawater surface.
mobility. Must swim within few
minutes of emersion
from canal.
Brain and At birth 300 grams. At birth 600 grams.
First Survival Automatic respiratory Automatic respiratory
Programs: circuits operating circuits released at
after first breath first breath. Control
releasing them. No of respiratory acts
locomotory circuits must be coordinated
yet completely with surfacing of
operative. Cries and blowhole in air.
coos. Coordination of
locomotion to surface
with breathing:
patterning developed
within first 6
minutes. Whistles and
harsh noises.
Suckling: Mother places baby's Swimming baby has fat
mouth on nipple, stores for initial
elicits suckling nutritional needs.
pattern ("releaser") Mother presents
by lip stimulation. mammary-genital region
to tip of baby's
rostrum, elicits
suckling pattern after
first few hours.
Infancy: Mother carries, Mother stays with,
fondles, protects, protects, strokes,
feeds, teaches baby swims with, teaches
(human speech within baby dolphin-
first 1.5-5 years). necessitites for first
2 years and longer.
Speech: First words: 18 months Initial sounds:
to 2 years. Cooing -} distress whistle for
vowel sounds. Practice calling mother,
of phons for first 18 "putts" for
months. localization (release
air from blowhole). At
9 months postpartum,
control of clicking
without air loss
matures. Whistle
control suddenly
Sonic Window: 20 to 15,000 Hz 100 to 150,000 Hz
Communication 300 to 3,000 Hz 1,000 to 80,000 Hz
Timing: 0.001 to 0.00001 sec 0.0001 to 0.000001
sec. Overlap limited.
Electromagnetic 0.3 to 0.7 micrometres Unknown. Evidence of
Radiation Window: definite overlap.
Gravitation Adapted to (1+)g Adapted to near-
Window: (bipedal locomotion) neutral buoyancy:
Out of water
action impeded
Temperature 37 degrees C (98.6 F) 37 degrees C (98.6 F)
Brain: 32C - 44C (limits unknown)
Skin: 5C - 50C (unknown)
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